  • 期刊


A Study on Book Collection Activities of Jiangxi Private Academies during the Ming Dynasty




藏書 江西 書院 明代


Collection of books in "academy"(書院) was one of the four main categories of the ancient Chinese library collections, from the late Tang, Five Dynasties until the Qing Dynasty. Down throughout thousand years it influenced greatly and covered a wide range time span. However, the collection of books in Ming academies is poorer than the collection of books in imperial storehouse and in private. Nevertheless, collection of books in Ming's academies still had many characteristics and innovations. Although book collection of academies were small-scale, but because of widespread geographical distribution, focused on practical application, emphasized on daily management, catalogued books in academies, and so on, those caused the promotion and circulation of the library collection in academies in the Ming Dynasty. It also generated a lot of influence on the area of personnel training, imperial career or academic promotion, etc. Particularly since Tang and Song, Jiangxi was known as the humanities town, and quite prestigious in construction of academies as well as library collection. Consequently, this article focuses on the overall academy book collection development in Jiangxi of the Ming Dynasty, by the famous example of "Bailu academy"(白鹿洞書院), in addition to understand and explore the background, but also concerns about the collection's content, management, development, the historical role and influence, et al.


book collection Jiangxi academy Ming dynasty


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