  • 期刊


The Effects of Spatial Agglomeration on Taiwan’s Listed Manufacturing Firms in a Structural Model of R&D, Productivity and Export


本研究利用臺灣上市櫃製造業公司的資料,估計了研發、生產力和出口表現的結構模型,藉以考慮空間群聚外部性在這些面相所扮演的角色。此模型是Antonietti and Cainelli(2011)的修正版,包括三條主要方程式。第一是研究和發展(R&D)支出的決定因素;第二是總要素生產力(TFP)的決定因素以及與R&D的關係;第三出口比例的決定因素以及總要素生產力與出口業績的連結。同時,衡量空間群聚所產生的在地外部性(localization)、多樣化(diversity)、都市化(urbanization)與在地與全臺競爭度在上述過程中所扮演的角色。歸納本文研究成果,對臺灣上市櫃公司而言,產業空間群聚主要之影響在於研發支出,產業空間群聚程度愈高,產業環境愈專一化而非多樣化,愈有利公司從事研發,研發支出增加後,可促進公司技術的提升,技術的提升又進一步強化出口競爭力,使其出口比例增加。


In this article, using a sample of Taiwan's listed manufacturing firms, I estimate a structural model of research, innovation, productivity and export performance to take account for the role played by spatial agglomeration externalities. This model, which is a modified version of Antonietti and Cainelli (2011) model, comprises three equations. The first one identify the factors underlying the decision and intensity of Research and Development (R&D) investments; the second links R&D capital to Total Factor Productivity (TFP); the third relates TFP to export performance. This estimates show the significant role played by local externalities in these processes. In particular, localization economies and spatial specialization positively affect the intensity of R&D investments. In turn, firms' R&D investment driving TFP and then, TFP augments firms' export performance.


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