  • 期刊


A study of the S tress with the Junior Nursing College Students


木研究是於民國六十九年五月間,以台灣省五年制專科學技護理科中學生人數最多的一所私立護專,以隨意抽樣的方式,抽取各年級護生756位,其中304位正在校外實習。木研究是採用追溯的方法,比較及分析問卷中所得的資料,以了解護生在學習及實習過程中所遇到的壓力情形及其克服方法;並用chi-square及t test來統計各情況下的資料是否具有顯著的差異性。由調查結果顯示,五專護生在學習中的壓力以「害怕考不取護士執照」為最大;實習中的壓力則以「校外宿舍欠佳」為最大。五專護生對於生活中的壓力,大多用「找人談談」的方式以求克服,但找老師談談的却很少(佔2.40%),去找同學的倒是最多(佔42.34%)。其中主要原因為護生心中有所顧慮,而不敢向老師求助。又五專護生中可以把壓力當做自己的考驗或警惕者,佔45.23%;因壓力而不願繼續學習或從事護理專業者,佔21.54%。由此知悉五專護生在學習過程中所遭遇的壓力問題,實不容忽視,而身為護理教育者尤應負起輔導的責任,才能使我們的提理事業更為光明遠大。




This study was designed to investigate the stress and coping method in the learning and practice process of junior nursing college students. The data were collected in Ma-y, 1980 fro:n a private junior nursing school of which the number of students was l arger than that of any other school in Taiwan. The sampling was made in random f rom 756 students and among them 304 were in practice course. The retrospective method was used to compare ane analyze the material gathered from the questionaires about stress and coping method. Statistical chi-square and t test were used to interpret if the difference was significant in each group. The results showed that the .most stress of the students was "the consideration about nurse license examinations" in the learning process, and "the poor dormitory" in the practice process. To discuss with someone was the major method used by the students t o cope the stress. They would rather talk to their classmates than their teachers. They didn't like to discuss with their teachers because they had many worrl.es. About 45.23% of the students could Iet tne stress be a chance of test or a warning to themselves, and 21.54% of the students would not keep going to study or practice the nursing career. It is evident from this that the stress of the students in the junior nursing collegecan not be ignored. The teacher must look upon the problem of stress and take responsibility to guide the students, so that the nursing business will bring a bright future.


