  • 期刊


A study of the Instructional Design and Teaching Effectiveness of Interpersona l Relationship Curriculum for the Nursing Students in Junior College


本研究之主要目的在運用「系統化教學設計」發展一個適合五專護生的人際關係正式教育(formal eduction)課程,同時進行教學評量以探討人際關係教學對護生人際關係、個人取向、自我概念及人際關係困擾之影響,並了解護生對本課程內容及教學策略一同儕合作教學模式之回饋。本研究採不相等實驗組控制組設計。研究對象為中部地區弘光醫專和中台醫專兩所五專護理助產科二年級學生(前者為實驗組一班的人,後者為控制組一班的人)。實驗組接受一學期(二十八小時)的人際關係課程,控制組則無此處理。並以高查人格量表乙種、個人取向量表、田納西自我概念量表、孟氏行為困擾調查表、團體評量表及謀後回饋區分別為教學前、後及過程中之評量工具。所得資料,心理測驗部份探單因子共變數分析及paired統計考驗兩次平均數差異。團體評量表對團體聚會評量則算其平均數、標準差及等第,對團體聚會之感受和建議及課後回饋面則進行質的分析。結果如下:1.接受人際關係教學的護生比未接受人際關係教學之護生在「人際關係」得分上有顯著增高。2 .經由人際關係教學的護生比未經人際關係教學之護生在「自我總分」上亦有顯著正向改變。3.人際關係教學使護生「對他人關係困擾」分數顯著下降。4.人際關係教學使實驗組護生在「高時間能力」及「自我實現價值」得分比控制組護生有顯著增高。5.實驗組護生對同儕合作的教學模式一同儕團體輔導經驗滿意度高,並自陳獲得與每次教學目標一致的收穫。6.實驗組護生對課程內容、授課方法及教師給予許多正向評價, 並提出教材整理,活動設計等意見。基於上述發現,研究者謹提出七項建議以供相關教育工作者參考,並提出三項繼續研究之淺見,以期開發護生人際關係課程在我國之新境界。




The Study is to : 1) apply Instructional Design to develop an interpersonal relationship curriculum of formal education, 2) evaluate teaching effectiveness of interpersonal relationship curriculum for nursing students in junior college, 3)investigate the students' feedback for the content of curriculum and teaching strategy - peer collaborative teaching. We use the quasi - experimental approach ~ nonequivalent control group pretest - posttest design. Ninety-two subjects of maternity nursing departments were selected from two medical junior colleges in median Taiwan . 49 students corning from Hung Kuang Medical Junior College were assigned to experimental group, and 43 students corning from Chung Tai Medical Junior College were assigned to control group. The experimental group accepted interpersonal relationship curriculum for one semester(28hrs). The control group didn't take part in any curriculum of interpersonal relations. There were six instruments used to evaluate the sUbjects' response: 1) Gordon Personality Invent or y , 2) PersonalOrientation Inventory, 3) Tennessee Self Concept Scale,4) The Mooney BehaviorConfusionCheck List 5) Group Evaluating Scale, 6) Post-Curriculum f e edba ck letter. This study used the paired T test , analysis of covariance test (ANOCOVA) and qualitative analysis. The findings are: 1) The experimental group students had higher scores in Gordon personality Inventory (interpersonal relationship) than the control group students. The difference is significant . 2) The experimental group students had higher scores in Tennessee Self Concept Scale (total seef score) than the control group students. The difference is also significant. 3) The experimental group students had higher scores in personal Orientation Inventory (time competence and self actualization) than the control group students. We see significant difference. 4) On the Mooney behavior Confusion Check List, the comparison for pre-test and post-test score in the experimental group indicates a significant difference with mean of confusion dropping. S) The experimental group students show positive attitudes to the interpersonal relationship curriculum . 6) The experimental students were satisfied with peer collaborative teaching. Based on the finding, we list seven suggestions and three directions for further research.


