  • 期刊


Analyzing the Degrees of Policy Transfer for Cities in Taiwan Participating in Global Environmental Governance: the Case of Global


就全球環境治理而言,本研究探討的是一個愈來愈重要的課題,亦即在全球化下,城市如何透過參與、蒐集國際性組織會議、資料或案例,增加資訊與知識的來源,即透過「政策移植」的過程,制定城市本身的制度與政策。本研究透過文獻分析、內容分析及個案研究與比較等方法,利用Dolowitz 與Marsh 所建立的政策移植架構,分析我國高雄市、台北市、縣與台南市面對全球氣候變遷與溫室氣體減量等的政策移植現象與程度。在二零零六至二零零九年間,高雄市、台北市、縣與台南市陸續加入非政府組織國際地方環境行動委員會(International Councilon Local Environmental Initiatives, 以下簡稱ICLEI),希望透過參與該國際組織,能夠提升國際知名度、競爭力、蒐集國外案例與善盡城市責任。本研究依據政策移植架構,檢視上述我國城市在政策移植方面的推動與程度,結果顯示高雄市的政策移植最為落實,且有系統地、持續地吸取國際經驗,並將學習的經驗具體反映在該市溫室氣體減量政策與制度設計上。研究結果顯示,該政策移植架構可以檢驗移植的程度,以及相關的移植特性;惟本研究也指出該架構的部分缺點,作為日後相關研究的參考。


This study explores an important issue regarding global environmental governance. That is, in the face of globalization, how cities increase the sources of information and knowledge to formulate policies by referring to the experience of another cities. This study analyzes the policy transfers and transfer degrees of Kaohsiung City, Taipei City, Taipei County, and Tainan City with the policy transfer framework proposed by Dolowitz and Marsh, and also with the methods of literature review, content analysis, and case studies. From 2006 to 2009, these four cities all enrolled as the members of the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (a global nongovernmental organization) to increase visibility and competitiveness, to collect foreign cases, and to fulfill responsibilities. Based on the policy transfer framework, this study reviews the characteristics and degrees of policy transfer of these cities regarding greenhouse gas through entering international organizations. The results show that Kaohsiung City is the most successful case that systemically, continually absorb foreign experience, and also put the experience into effect, which can be seen on the policies and institutional designs of related greenhouse gas policies. The results also show that the policy transfer framework is able to examine the degrees and characteristics of policy transfer; however, this study also points out the pitfalls of the framework for future studies
