  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Graduate School of Human Sexuality, Shu-Te University




This study is a approach to relationship between female sexual life status and physical &psychology health. The women involved are targeted to the menopause female with steady partner living in Kaohsiung area, which were willing to accept the uestionnaire survey, in the method of purposive sampling. And, with the process continued, the numbers subjected to survey are snowballed. The effective numbers reported are 263 in total. The data used for this study are in three parts: one is chart for basic data; second is chart for living status of menopause women: and the third is chart for physical& psychological health. To study by applying the method of reliability and effectiveness analysis, singer factor coefficient variation, and correlation analysis, combines with referenced literature and followed by dissicusion, we come to the conclusion as bellow: I. In area of sexual life status of menopause female, the sexual communication dimension get the highest score, followed by sexual physical dimension, then the sexual psychology dimension get the lowest score. II. In the area of physical& psychology health status of menopause female, the women, who fall in the dimension of capable of paying attention to these, get the highest score, followed by self respect& love, then by capable of motional control, than by capable of self value, and the self affirmation dimension get the lowest score. III. The menopause female, who have different back ground in “age”, “level of education”, “marriage status”, “living status”, “working status”, have great variation in sexual life in physical sexual, psychology and sexual communication IV. The menopause female, who have different back ground in level of education, “self respect& love”, and “self value promotion”, have great variation with “total health in physical & psychology dimension”. II V. The menopause female’s sexual life has high degree of positive correlation with “health in physical & psychology dimension” which indicates that the quality of sexual life of the menopause female revels the degree of their health in physical & psychology.
