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The Research of Relationships among Father Involvement , Social Behavioral Development and Learning Attitude of Preschool Children at Nuclear Families


本研究旨在探討核心家庭的父職參與和幼兒社會行為發展及學習態度之間的關係,以做為親職教育的參考。本研究是以高雄市核心家庭之幼稚園大班幼兒為研究對象,採用問卷調查法,以「幼兒父職參與量表」、「幼兒社會行為量表」、「幼兒學習態度量表」來收集資料,回收有效問卷262 份。經統計分析,結果發現如下:一、高雄市核心家庭幼稚園大班幼兒父親父職參與程度屬中上程度,以父職參與的四個層面而言,其父職參與程度由多而寡,依次為「關懷溝通」、「生活照顧」、「休閒活動」及「學校活動」。二、不同背景變項在整體父職參與程度中,「母親就業程度」、「父職楷模的學習」、「父親的工作時數」、「父親的職業」有顯著差異存在。三、不同的父職參與程度對幼兒社會行為發展及學習態度有顯著差異存在。四、家庭的父職參與和幼兒社會行為發展與學習態度有顯著正相關。五、父職參與程度對幼兒社會行為發展與學習態度具有顯著的預測力。


The Purpose of this study aimed to investigate relationship among Father Involvement, social development and learning attitude of preschool children at nuclear family. It can provide the reference for our parent education. The subjects of this study are 5-6 years old children from nuclear family in the kindergarten of Kaohsiung city. This study used questionnaires to investigate and 262 copies of them were valid. The tools of questionnaires are "Father involvement scale", "Children's social behavior scale", "Children's learning attitude scale. After data collection and statistical analysis, it found as follows: 1. The degree of father involvement is over average at nuclear family. The order of father involvement in caring for children were “communication caring”, life caring”, “Leisure activities ”and“ school activities ” by degree. 2. In background variables, there are significant differences on “the degree of maternal employment”, “father's model learning”,” Father's working hours” and “father's occupation” of father involvement. 3. The 3 different degrees of father involvement had significant differences on children’s social behavioral development and learning attitude. 4. Fathers involvement had significant positive correlation with children’s social behavioral development and learning attitude. 5. Fathers involvement is significant predictor to children’s social behavioral development and learning attitude.
