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The study of the sexual language in Bunun mythology story


本研究以深入訪談策略,訪問部落耆老、布農族族語教師及布農族文化工作者等,年齡分別在45 歲~87 歲之間,能以布農族語言口述神話故事者。透由語料受訪者口述神話故事中,蒐集相關布農族語性語言以及隱喻性詞彙。在六位語料受訪者深入訪談研究發現,男性受訪者的部落成長環境大都是以部落男性前輩為伍,而在部落神話故事的傳述大部分是以男性場合為多,所以男性口述所呈現的性語言詞彙較為多元且豐富,而女性受訪者則較注重強調故事情節的教化性。十二種性語言中計有性傾向之同性戀、性對象、性工具及性幻想等四種,沒有相關語彙或是隱喻性詞彙呈現,但是布農族神話故事中所闡述教義是早期布農族社會兩性教育的規範也是維持倫理的圭臬。綜和所述,性語言的隱喻性詞彙,會因共識性認知而又改詞彙,致遺失了原來的語彙,應該恢復呈現詞彙原意。神話故事的內涵都有教化功能,傳到最後,由於詞彙演變就會稀釋了其中的教化功能,曲解了神話故事中的內涵。


In this study, the emphasis is mainly on interviewing tribe's elderly, Bunun teachers and cultural workers aged between 45 years to 87 years old whom can dictate the myth in Bunun language. The main method is collection Bunun relevant language and metaphorical terms by interviewing the participants. According to the six interviewees, the males present the oral sexual language more diversification and abundant, while the females focus on the educational meaning in the story. The reasons between the difference of male and female are two points, one is that the youths’ background of growth mainly based on the male elders; another is the dictation of myth mostly in male's occasions. There are twelve kinds of sexual language. However, four types of sexual language are missing: homosexual, sex object, sex tools, and sexual fantasy. Neither related vocabularies nor metaphorical words are presented in Bunun language. The doctrines of the myths are not only the standard of sexual education, but also the principle of maintaining ethical. To sum up, the metaphorical words perhaps change the original meanings because of the variation of common consensus. The connotation of myth is of great educational significance. However, from generation to generation, the changing of vocabularies' meaning could decrease the function of enlightenment, and misrepresent the intension of myth. It should restore the original intent of vocabularies.
