  • 學位論文


Temporal and Spatial Expressions in Isbukun Bunun

指導教授 : 宋麗梅


本論文旨在藉由探討郡群布農語的空間和時間表達方式,研究空 間和時間認知的概念化以及彼此間的關聯性。本論文中,空間表達的 檢視參考了Talmy (1983, 2000a) 的動作事件(Motion events)的架構, 針對不同的空間語意類別(例如路徑 path 和區塊 Region)分析處所 謂語(locative predicates)。我們發現處所謂語可以根據構詞方式分成 兩大類,一類為常用在限定的背景(Ground)中的詞彙謂語(lexical predicate),另一類被大量使用的謂語則是由動詞前綴(verbal prefix) 和處所標記(locative marker)sia 或處所名詞(locative nouns)所組成。 這一類的謂語,指涉處所(locality)的名詞為主要論元之一,其中指 涉區塊和方向(direction)的名詞可以作為詞根,而其他名詞則必須由 sia 標記。另外,動詞前綴則表現了路徑以及主體(Figure)和背景、 區塊或方向(Direction)的關係。藉由不同動詞前綴和處所名詞的組 合,這一類動詞具有表達上的彈性以及能產性。 另一方面,我們以Haspelmath (1997) 對於時間詞的分類,探討郡群 布農語時間表達的語意功能。根據我們的資料,郡群布農語在表達時 間概念上有兩種方式。第一種是借用表達空間的謂語,呈現時間點 (time point)和時間帶(time span)的概念。在時間點使用了表達靜態 的 i-sia,而時間帶則是以表示來源(Source)和目標(Goal)的動態動 詞前綴呈現。第二種則是使用時貌系統,呈現兩個時間事件之間的先 後關係以及兩時間事件之間的時間跨度(temporal duration)。 而針對時間表達的方式,我們驗證了郡群布農語部份的時間表達建 立從空間的隱喻關係之上,包含了時間移動(Moving-Time)、自我移動(Moving-Ego)、以及時間序列(Temporal Sequence)三種隱喻模型 (Evans and Green 2006)。然而,相較於此,使用時貌系統的時間表達 方式是較為常見的。因此,根據我們的研究結果,時間表達確實或多 或少和空間有關,然而對於時間的認知毋需建立在空間認知之上。


This thesis aims to investigate the spatial and temporal conceptualizations by exploring the grammatical realization of spatial and temporal expressions in Isbukun Bunun, an indigenous that is mainly spoken in Mountain areas in the central part of Taiwan. Spatial expressions examined in this thesis are based on Motion events proposed by Talmy (1983, 2000a) in order to analyze the spatial conceptualization in terms of spatial semantic categories such as Path and Region. Our investigation shows locative predicates are classified into two types: one is lexical predicates used in specific Ground, the other is predicates composed of a verbal prefix, which denotes Path and the relationship between Figure and locality, and either locative marker sia to mark a place or a locative noun of Region or Direction. On the other hand, we investigated the semantic functions of temporal expression based on the classification of time words suggested by Haspelmath (1997). According to our corpus, temporal expressions in Isbukun Bunun are based on two mechanisms. First, in terms of spatial expressions, time point is marked with static predicate i-sia, whereas time span is denoted with dynamic verbal prefixes of Source and Goal. The second is to employ tense and aspect markers to indicate the relationship of two temporal events in terms of orders or temporal durations. As for how time is expressed, our evidence shows that a portion of tempo- ral expressions in Isbukun Bunun are conveyed via spatio-temporal metaphors including Moving-Time model, Moving-Ego model, and Temporal Sequence model (Evans and Green 2006), while most are fulfilled with tense and aspect markers. Thus, according to this thesis, although temporal conceptualizations to some extent relate to spatial concept, it is not necessary to conceptualize time with respect to space.


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