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Exploring the Psychological Application of Intimacy and Solitude of Adult Women by Narrative Analysis




孤獨 慾望 親密


Being intimate with a woman's Psychological application is to understand other person involved, and solitude is to understand oneself, in the driveway to intimate relationships, things that are not intimate are likely to happen, how to solve it in a solitude way? how to understand other person involved in an intimate way? to achieve better intimacy.This study uses narrative analysis to analyze the intimacy and loneliness of Rabov's narrative structure, the effect of the research is enriched.The result of the study is that women's intimate and solitude psychological thinking includes sexual autonomy: Only women themselves know that what they really want is intimacy? still want to be solitude ? implicit psychology: Women's psychological feelings about interpersonal intimacy and solitude, hoping to have their own space and enjoy inner solitude.self-desire: Desire is the expression of inner language,it's sweet and attractive, and female self-sexual desire comes from inner longing,even in solitude, the demand for sexual desire needs to be warm, needs to be loved, needs to be understanding.The conclusion is that modern society, communication network is developed, and social networking sites should be able to cater to the construction of interpersonal relationships and intimate relationships in a timely manner, however, the social environment and life pressure sometimes affect intimate relationships, at this time, if passing the solitude , after a brief silence and pondering, may be able to rebuild intimacy, which is really helpful for enhancing intimate relationships. Suggestion: It is recommended that social work groups and women's groups can offer intimate and solitude courses to provide women to learn solitude and practice solitude when they experience negative emotions.


desire intimacy solitude
