  • 期刊


The relationship between self-efficacy, personal growth initiative, and stages of change questionnaire scores and the recidivism of adult offenders with drug abuse


本研究就國內台北、新北、雲林及嘉義地方檢察署的毒品犯為研究對象,有效樣本數為253 位男性及70 位女性成癮者。針對自我效能、個人成長動機及改變階段模式等量化資料,進行相關分析來確定自我效能、個人成長動機及改變階段模式的關連性;並以羅吉斯迴歸評估上述變項是否為預測這些毒品犯三個月後是否再次使用成癮藥物的有效預測因子。結果發現於各變項間的關係上,發現自我效能與個人成長動機正相關達顯著、自我效能與思考期及行動期正相關達顯著、個人成長動機與思考期及行動期正相關也達顯著;在預測模式上,僅發現自我效能為三個月是否再次使用成癮藥物的有效預測因子,其餘變項皆不是有效的預測因子,且自我效能越強,三個月再次使用成癮藥物的可能性越低。此結果顯示在成癮藥物戒治的實務工作上,若須便捷且有效評估毒品犯未來是否再次使用成癮藥物,可依其於自我效能量表的表現上來加以預測。


自我效能 藥物濫用 再犯


This study was conducted on drug addicts recruited via the local prosecutors' offices in Taipei, New Taipei, Yunlin and Chiayi, with the number of valid participants being 253 male and 70 female addicts. Measures from the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES), personal growth initiative scale (PGIS) and the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment-Domestic (URICA) were obtained for correlational analysis. Logistic regression was used to examine whether these variables were effective predictors of relapse after three months of drug use or not. The results showed that GSES and PGIS were significantly positively correlated as were GSES and thinking period and action period of the URICA. PGIS was also positively correlated with thinking period and action period of the URICA. In the prediction model, only self-efficacy was found to be an effective predictor of re-use of addictive drugs in a three-month period, with the remaining variables not valid predictors. These results suggest that the stronger and individual's self-efficacy, the less likely they are to use addictive drugs again in the three month period investigated. This pattern shows that in practical drug addiction treatment work, if it is necessary to easily and effectively assess whether drug offenders will re-use addictive drugs in the future, this can be predicted based on their performance on the self-efficacy scale.


self-efficacy drug abuse recidivism


