  • 期刊


An empirical study of juvenile probation officers and social workers using SFBT to assist juvenile drug abusers




The application of Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) has achieved good results in school and community counseling, alcohol addiction, drug abuse and other fields. This study adopts purposive sampling, applies semi-structured in-depth interviews in qualitative research, and achieves the following purposes through the most important juvenile probation officers and social workers in the front-line and drug abuse youth work: (1) To explore their views on the effectiveness of SFBT use in drug abuse prevention. (2) To explore the process of getting along with the case through this orientation and then de labeling in order to rebuild their self-concept. (3) To explore how SFBT can improve the self-concept and problem-solving ability of drug abuse adolescents, and further affect the effectiveness of adolescents on drug abuse recidivism. It is found that SFBT is effective in changing the concept and method of assistance for practitioners; SFBT produces specific assistance in helping practitioners establish relationships with drug abuse adolescents; Through the interaction between practitioners and drug abuse adolescents using SFBT, the effect of de labeling can be effectively achieved, and the use of SFBT will further affect the effectiveness of drug abuse juvenile recidivism.
