  • 期刊


The Role of Female in the "Gandhavyuha Sutra": From the perspectives of Literature


以文學及藝術的方式親近初生的悉達多,手指天地說:「天上天下,唯我獨尊」。我,指個體的存在;獨,在因緣裡修行的獨特性;尊,是自尊與尊重。佛言法爾如是,眾生平等,諸相皆因緣所生。對男女之分別相問題,為此佛陀在《增壹阿含經》裡(增43 大2-758CF)自述往昔曾為女人。佛為女性說法,或主動;或因提問說法;或指定女性說法;或因方便借說:如《華嚴經入法界品》,在善財童子五十三名參訪對象,二十一名證悟人、天女性,為善財童子說法。除摩耶夫人外,有九名人間女性,一為出家比丘尼師子頻申,及八名在家女居士:1.休捨優婆、2.慈行童女、3.具足優婆夷、4.不動優婆夷、5.婆須蜜多女、6 瞿波釋種女、7. 賢勝優婆夷、8.有德童女。本文以文學華嚴的多元視域,將《華嚴經入法界品》裡的文學性,就文字方格及敘述觀點等加以分析。並以文學角度分析師子頻申比丘尼、具足優婆夷、婆須蜜多女及瞿波釋種女之故事文本。再比較瞿波釋種女本生,及耶輸陀羅本生五莖蓮花之賣花女異同。依人、時、地、物景、情事,及個人背景來歷之不同方式,藉眼耳鼻舌身之根境,列舉個人修行之信解行證進境,呈現出來。本文大綱一、前言二、文學華嚴三、女性說法四、結論


The newborn Siddhartha points the universe and says: "In Heaven and on earth, I am the only one to be respected." "I" refers to the existence of an individual. "Only" refers to the uniqueness in practicing the law of "co-dependent arising." "To be respected" connotes the ideas of self-respect and respect for others. The Buddha says that the nature of dharma is just like this. All sentient beings are not to be discriminated. All differentiating marks come into existences depending on causes and conditions. Buddha's attitude on male-female issue can be found, for example, in the "Ekottarikāgama", where he told us that he was a woman in the past lives. As for the Buddha's teaching Dharma to female audience, he would teach them voluntarily, teach them upon request, assign a woman to teach Dharma, or teach Dharma should an occasion arise. For example, in the "Gandhavyuha Sutra", among the 53 spiritual guides, whom Sudhana visits, ten are laywomen and one is a female monastic. This article narrates those women's stories and dreamland as described in the "Gandhavyuha Sutra". I table their time, places, scenes, events, backgrounds, etc. I will also try to analyze how sense objects contribute to their religious confidence, understanding and attainment. Lastly, I will analyze the texts of their life stories from literary perspective and compare and contrast these texts.
