  • 期刊


The Observation on the Current Hua Yen Teachings in Taiwan Based on the Period, 1952-2009, of the Three Abbots of Nnan Ting, Cheng Yi and Hsien Tu of Taipei Hua Yen Lotus


華嚴蓮社是台灣少數專弘華嚴義學的重鎮,若自智光和尚算起,截至目前已歷八代住持,其嫡傳法子也有六代。其所弘揚華嚴的過程頗具探討價值。本文以成立於民國41 年的台北華嚴蓮社為核心,探討自開山南亭法師以降,經成一、賢度三代師徒弘揚華嚴義學的過程,特別其歷史脈絡與在台首創辦的華嚴佛七等,都是十分具有特色。


華嚴蓮社 南山律宗 光孝寺 智光 南亭


Hua Yen Lotus is the vital precinct in Taiwan where Hua Yen teachings are propagated. Hua Yen Teachings are composed of Hua Yen Wisdom from Hua Yen Sutra as latitude and the concept of Hua Yen masters as longitude to net into a great system. After the Taiwan Restoration, Chih Kuang and Nan Ting has planted Hua Yen Teachings in Taiwan from Kuang Hsiao Temple, Tai Hsien, Chiang Su Province. It has been over sixty years (one Chia Tz) since Ming Kuo thirty-eighth year. Tai Hsien Kuang Hsiao Temple was established in 418, in the year of Yi Hsi 14,Tung Chun Dynasty. The initial name was Tien Ning Wang Shou Temple. When Sung Kao Chung moved south to establish the capital at Lin An (now, Hangchow), for the blessing to Huei Chung and Ching Chung, re-named most of the prominent temples under his domain as Kuang Hsiao Temples, one of which was Tai Hsien Kuang Hsiao Temple. During Kang Hsi and Chien Lung of Ching Dynasty, it became desolate. Vinaya Ping Yi, Senior Monk of Huei Chu Temple at the Great Pau Hua Mountain, Nanking, passed by Tai Hsien to pay a filial visit to his parents. He accepted as abbot from the invitation of the local laymen. Master Ping was from the heredity of Pao Hua Mountain, which is the precept-teaching baldachin. So Zen was changed to Vinaya. Kuang Hsiao Temple not only observed 「Nan Shan Vinaya, Chien Hua Party」but also propagated Hua Yen Chung as obligation. The objective of the article looks into the proceedings and accomplishment of Nan Ting, Cheng Yi and Hsien Tu, the three successive abbots, to propagate Hua Yen Teachings in Taiwan.
