  • 期刊


A Study of Avatamsaka Thought in the Teachings of the Yangqi Lineage of the Linji Chan School During the Song and Yuan Dynasties



楊岐派為中國禪宗臨濟宗的支派。創立者宋代禪僧方會(992-1049)師事臨濟宗七世石霜楚圓(986-1039),因住袁州楊岐山普明禪院而得名。楊岐派三世中有圜悟克勤(1063-1135)的弟子虎丘紹隆(1077-1136)開創虎丘系,另一弟子大慧宗杲(1089-1163)創立大慧系,主要遍布在南方廣大地區,一直傳承到明清時期以後。自宋代以來,華嚴宗仍然保有其佛教修學的影響力。一方面因為有義學僧伽專習《華嚴》經教,另一方面由於禪宗僧人也重視對華嚴學的創用。所以,有些禪僧每多借資華嚴義理來闡揚禪法。臨濟宗楊岐派下虎丘、大慧兩系的禪僧頗受華嚴教學的影響,對華嚴宗的義理也有頗多攝受。本文僅就楊岐派仁勇(未詳)、道寧(1053-1113年)、克勤(1063-1135)、慧遠(1103-1176)、印肅(1115- 1169)諸師,以及虎丘一系曇華(1103-1163)、咸傑(1118-1186)、道生(未詳)、道沖(1169-1250)與大慧一系宗杲(1089-1163)、普濟(1179-1253)、廣聞(1189-1263)、梵琦(1296-1370)、智及(1311- 1378)諸師的相關著作,論述這些禪師大多致力於禪法與華嚴的聯結,闡明其禪法的華嚴意涵,從而呈現其禪法的圓融特色。


一心 六相 十玄門 實際理地 一真法界


The Yangqi lineage is a sub-lineage of the Linji lineage of the Chinese Chan school. Its founder, the Song dynasty Chan monk Fanghui (992-1049), was a disciple of the seventh generation Linji master Shishuang Chuyuan (986-1039). Since Fanghui used to live at the Puming Chan monastery on Yangqi mountain in Yuanzhou, his tradition is called the Yangqi lineage. Third generation master Yuanwu Keqin’s (1063-1135) disciples Huqiu Shaolong (1077-1136) and Dahui Zonggao (1089-1163) founded their own branches, which mainly flourished in Southern China and continued to be transmitted until the Ming and Qing dynasties. During the Song dynasty, the Huayan school still exerted its influence on Buddhist study and practice. On the one hand, there were erudite monks who specialized in the study of Huayan thought. On the other hand, monks belonging to the Chan school also emphasized the study of Avatamsaka. Therefore, a number of Chan monks relied on the Huayan teachings when they expounded their method of Chan practice. The Yangqi lineage and its Huqiu and Dahui branches were influenced by Huayan teachings to a considerable degree, and they absorbed numerous concepts from the Huayan school. This study only discusses the combining and blending of Chan teachings and Huayan thought as manifest in the writings and records of the Yangqi masters Renyong (dates unknown), Daoning (1053-1113), Keqin (1063-1135), Huiyuan (1103-1176) and Yinsu (1115-1169), the Huqiu branch masters Tanhua (1103-1163), Xianjie (1118-1186), Daochong (1169-1250), and the Dahui branch masters Zonggao (1089-1163), Puji (1179-1253), Guangwen (1189-1263), Fanqi (1296-1370), and Zhiji (1311- 1378).
