  • 期刊


From the Profound Mystery of Body, Mind and Spirit to Investigate the Theories and Ways of Buddhist Meditation-Illustrated by the Example of Bamboo Tube Exercises, Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong and Yoga




丹道 太極拳 煉精化氣 瑜伽 氣功 密宗 竹筒功


This article investigates the theories and ways of buddhist meditation from the profound mystery of body, mind and spirit-illustrated by the example of Bamboo Tube Exercises, Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong and Yoga. These four ways have their own characteristics. However, they also have some similar places. Through describing and comparing these ways, we can learn more about the gist of spiritual practice. The human body is reflected in microcosm of the universe. Through developing human's physical potential, we can understand the mysteries of the universe. Neidan(內丹術) is one of spiritual practice ways in china. The key point about Neidan is training Jing(精), Qi(氣), Shen(神). Yoga is one of spiritual practice ways in india. The key point about yoga is training three nadis and seven chakras. And in Buddhism, the key point about spiritual practice is preserving the gates of the six indriyas(sense-organs 六根). The common ground of these ways is that all of them are help people to rediscover their body, mind and spirit-through teaching people how to regulate their diet, sleep, body, breath and mind. We can realize the mysteries of life by practicing these ways.
