  • 期刊


Anxiety of the Island on the Margins of Empires: On Images of Taiwan in the Year of 1895 in Nishikawa Mitsuru’s Novel Taiwan Jyukan Tetsudou (Taiwan North-south Railway)


乙未年間的臺灣歷經過滿清王朝邊境、「臺灣民主國(The Republic of Formosa)」隕落、日本國境之南等歷史定位轉變,臺灣、清國與日本之間彼此有著錯綜複雜的互動關係,牽動著東亞地緣政治版圖變動與臺灣族群發展。當臺灣場域面臨宰制者之權力交替,先來後到的各族群間呈現著征服與抗拒之對立局勢,戰雲籠罩下之福爾摩沙島嶼瀰漫著極度焦慮。本文以探討西川滿之臺灣乙未戰爭主題創作──《臺灣縱貫鐵道》出發,藉由探討日人作家對於短暫出現之「臺灣民主國」始末描述,呈現日人如何看待新南方疆域不斷抗拒殖民之他者視域,進而試圖解析西川滿如何描述「乙未戰爭」為帶動鐵道現代化工程之殖民地開發史,形塑征臺日軍為開啟臺灣現代化建設之歷史人物群英肖像,同時記錄清領時期與日治時期交界的乙未臺灣巨變中,各族群間激烈衝突、抗爭、逃離與融合之歷史軌跡。


In 1895, the status of Taiwan changed from the island frontier of Qing China to the collapsed Republic of Formosa, and then to the southern end of Japan's territory. The complicated relationships between Taiwan, Qing China, and Japan was influential to the shift of geopolitical power in East Asia and the development of ethnic groups in Taiwan. Encountering the transition of dominant powers, oppositions such as conquests and resistances among different ethnic groups which had arrived to the island at different times led to the spread of wars and extreme anxiety in Formosa. Through reviewing Japanese author Nishikawa Mitsuru’s novel Taiwan Jyukan Tetsudou on the theme of Taiwanese anti- Japanese resistances in 1895 and thereafter the Japanese colonial era till 1945, this article examines the perspectives of Japanese as the colonizer on the armed resistances in colony Taiwan. This article also attempts to analyze Nishikawa's depictions on the historical developments of modern railway infrastructure in the colony, his ways of shaping the Japanese military forces as historical figures to the modernization of Taiwan, and how he traces the historical tracks of conflicts, resistances, escape, and integrations among different ethnic groups in 1895 when Taiwan’s sovereignty was transferred from Qing China to Japan.
