  • 期刊


The Connotation of Homesickness in Masugi Shizue's "Nanpo Kiko"


本文以殖民者觀察殖民地的內涵與意義為分析主軸,檢視日治時期在臺日本人以在臺日本人作家真杉靜枝(Masugi Shizue ,1901-1955)《南方紀行.臺灣の土地》對當時臺灣之書寫,分析其中的家國認同。皇民化運動之動員下,真杉靜枝以日本人角度所書寫本島人面對語言與文化等價值之重大扭轉下,實際生活面貌與對應態度之一端,尤其關注居於統治地位之日本人基於血緣與國族的認知背景下記錄日治時期臺灣相關政經與生活文化之外,亦得以藉此理解當時來臺日本人面對殖民地臺灣時,所具有的家國意象與鄉愁。


This paper investigates "Nanpo Kiko", written by a Japanese settler Masugi Shizue during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan, from a colonist's perspective on the connotation and meaning of a colony. It is intended to analyze the national identity from the writings at the time. Under the Kominka Movement, Masugi Shizue wrote from a Japanese view point about the distortion of language and cultural values, the realities of actual life and the corresponding attitudes of Taiwanese. It focused in particular on the ruling Japanese identification with blood ties and nationalism and depicted the political economy, life and culture of Taiwan under Japanese rule. In addition, this study orients towards understanding the images of home, country and homesickness of Japanese settlers in the face of Taiwan.
