  • 期刊


The couplets, inscriptions and works with calligraphic elements that the poets of Nan Sheh created in historic site of temples in Tainan


名列臺南古蹟的寺廟中留存不少明、清以降的翰墨聯文,既是宗教信仰中心亦是傳統藝術殿堂的廟宇,除了這些備受矚目的古文物,也有不少近現代文人匠師們的作品值得認識與欣賞,以日治時期(1895-1945)臺灣三大詩社之一、府城在地的傳統詩社「南社」為例,詩社活動於法華寺、竹溪寺與文廟、武廟,詩人的聯文書法也見於開元寺、大天后宮、北極殿等地。或許是出於尊古心理,導覽簡介與古蹟叢書鮮少關注星散於府城寺廟中的近現代作品,為進一步瞭解臺南廟宇現存的近人翰墨分布情況,本文試以《日治時期南社詩選》彙整之百名臺灣「南社」詩人為主,踏查臺南市百餘處古蹟併南社活動地點中的「寺廟」一類計有30處,尋得10處共13位南社詩人之聯文匾額與書法,並透過地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System,簡稱GIS)展示及應用平台,如Google My Maps、地圖協作平台等,將南社詩人翰墨蹤跡與府城寺廟的地理位置一併呈現於自由開放的網路空間,以利普及推廣與後續增修相關資訊,可讓探索府城文史或觀光臺南的人們,在欣賞寺廟書畫藝術之際也能一窺南社詩人文采。


This research is based on the academic achievements of Anthology of the Taiwanese Nan school of poetry in Taiwan during the Japanese-ruled Period (《日治時期南社詩選》). The research conducts a field visit to 26 historic temples and 4 other temples that the poets of Nan Sheh (南社) met in Tainan. So far as known to the academia, up to 100 poets joined the Nan Sheh. The couplets, inscriptions and works with calligraphic elements that 13 poets of the Nan Sheh created were distributed among 10 temples. These poets are Khu Ha̍k-hái (邱學海), Tiō Tsiong-kî (趙鍾麒), Lô Siù-huī (羅秀惠), Hân Tsú-bîng (韓子明), N̂g Him (黃欣), Ngôo Tsú-hông (吳子宏), Tēnn Khé-tong (鄭啟東), Ông Phîng-thîng (王鵬程), Âng Khun-ik (洪坤益) , Ia̍p Tsiàm-muî (葉占梅), Lîm Kang-tsuí (林江水), Lîm Tshiu-ngôo (林秋梧) and Gân Hing (顏興). The results of the research will be displayed on Google My Maps.
