  • 期刊


The Organizational and Institutional The Research on Inductive Conceptual of Social Enterprise for Farmers' Association


社會企業(Social Enterprise)發展迄今已逾30年,諸多國家與政府部門試圖透過政策引導,鼓勵成立解決特定核心社會問題的社會企業。其兼具多重效能與職能內涵,成為推動當代產業發展、社會福利與企業自我升級的顯學。1980年代以降,社會企業多元職能與普世價值,咸被視為解決社會議題與經濟議題途徑之一。國內外相關部門發展社會企業氛圍與共識已日益成形,但國內農業部門而言,至今相對仍然較少專文探討其發展與運用。導入社會企業管理理念與運作,提昇基層農會價值創造,頗值得深入探討。值此21世紀總體形勢快速變遷之際,探討農業部門發展,導入社會企業經營管理的理念與運作機制,為當前農業建設發展刻不容緩課題之一。作為國內農業部門最核心架構的基層農會,不論是私經濟觀點追求部門經營利潤,或是公經濟領域實踐社會公共利益,學理上導入社會企業管理應屬可行且具有價值。本文提出基層農會導入社會企業經營管理發展構想芻議。首先,應擴展農業部門的疆界、發展基層農會外部性效果、建構公私經濟混合體綜效等三項基本概念。其次,研議具體的發展策略,包括制度面策略為獎助輔導、賦稅優惠與優先產銷調節;技術面策略為設立專責部門、財務透明健全與組織溝通協調等。當前基層農會組織運作,面臨蛻變成長與訴求創新轉型,適時研議社會企業管理導入基層農會組織運作發展策略,自是具有時代創新意義。


Social Enterprise is a very profound solution to specific social and economic problems. The concept of social enterprise was encouraged and conducted by governments in many countries via policy guidance. However, there were relatively only a few discussions on the development and application in the agricultural sector. It is indeed worth discussing deeply and broadening on the concepts and operation of social enterprise of the farmers' organizations. Particularly, it is very important to the farmers' associations. There are several rudimental factors and essential qualifications to the successful application of social enterprise for the farmers' associations. For example, firstly, it is necessary to establish the new concepts on the expanding boundaries and external effects of agricultural industry in the macro aspects. Besides, in the micro requirements, it needs to improve the synergy of economic efficiency of farmers' associations, to subsidize and compensate for the losses of the farmers' associations, etc. As the farmers' associations are facing the new challenges. To the farmers' associations, developing and adopting the new concepts of social enterprise could be an important driving force for transformation and innovation. And it seems an epoch-making event to discuss the issues on social enterprise for famers' associations.


