  • 會議論文

An Anthropology of Historic Foods in Japan, China and Korea


National Identity on a Plate: Food offers a luminous window into the illusive concept of national identity - The traditional foods have developed through the completely different paradigm called "modernity." However, we want to believe that they have existed from the remote ages of antiquity and still exist today, without any interruption. Giving a national identity to food is considered as part of the great causes, if not struggles, for securing the established rights to some specific foods among nations and races. But we do not eat food in our daily life in arguing inquisitively on history or legitimacy. Our pleasure of eating can be doubled according to each individual's taste or in search of a new taste. Thus, we don't need to tarnish the proper function of food on the pretext of legitimacy. This paper is divided into three subjects: Japanese Genghis Khan, Chinese tofu and Korean bibimbap (mixed rice with vegetables). It will be a cross-cultural and comparative research on historic foods among three countries (Japan, China, and Korea), in relation to national culinary identity.


