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Promoting the swimming in Taiwan


游泳是運動傷害最少的運動,也是肢體復健的重要方式之一,身體動作因為水的緩衝作用,降低了肢體的負擔,而使身體動作不致過大,形成保護作用;另台灣位居四面環海是島嶼型態的國家,氣候較為潮濕,不少人都有氣喘、過敏的困擾,游泳運動,也是非常好的選擇。因台灣地處島嶼,故水資源豐富,囿因河川距離過短且呈輻射性向外流散,河水保留不易;因此,每年台灣到了夏季期間都有發生洪水的可能性。所以游泳應該是每個人必具備技能之一,除了可健身外,又降低意外溺斃的機率。要習得游泳技能,必須要有良好的環境提供未具泳技甚至畏懼入水的學習者。目前跟據教育部公布資料顯示,在日本每10 萬人擁有180 座泳池,在英國也有40座泳池,而台灣只有9 座游泳池,顯見國內泳池數的確過少。有鑑於此,總統馬英九先生體認到國內運動習慣及設施均不足,與期將經費花在健保費上,還不如設置運動設施,提供合適運動場地,讓全民都有地方從事運動。特別在98 年間由行政院體委會主導,邀集教育部、國防部、內政部警政署、消防署及海巡署等單位,針對「如何提升游泳檢測合格率暨泳池新(整)建」實施研討,並訂定「泳起來!專案」,期能掀起國人游泳運動風潮。


游泳 運動風潮


Off all sports, swimming is the most unlikely to inflict injuries, and the most important for limb recovery. Water serves as a buffer and protection, lifting the burden of limbs as swimmers move. Surrounded by the sea, Taiwan the island can be really humid, causing a large population to have asthma and allergy problems. Swimming can help these people. Though Taiwan enjoys abundant water resources, the rivers are too short and fast. It is difficult to save river water, and floods are common every summer. That is why swimming should be one of the skills everybody needs. It helps to build the body and reduce drowning probability. People who cannot swim or fear water need better environments to acquire the swimming skill, according to the Ministry of Education. On average, there are 180 swimming pools in Japan for a community of 100,000 people, 40 pools in the UK, but only 9 in Taiwan. Obviously, the number of swimming pools is too small. President Ma realizes that Taiwan does not have enough facilities and the general public does not such habits. It would be better to invest in building sport facilities rather than health insurance. He hopes to offer suitable sport facilities, and let the people have places to take exercises. The Sports Affairs Council invited the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of National Defense, the Police Agency, the Fire Department and Coast Guard to research on how to encourage more people to pass swimming tests and how to renovate swimming pools or build new pools. With the project "Go Swimming!( 「The swimming gets up the special case plan!」)", we expect to initiate the swimming spree.


swimming swimming spree
