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The Hsi-lai-an Incident and the Development of Taiwanese Buddhism with Special Reference to the Soto School


曹洞宗在台布教事業,是日本統治時期台灣佛教史的一環,在此論文中筆者主要根據曹洞宗自明治30 年起所發行的《宗報》,29 年發行的《台灣教報》及《曹洞宗海外開教傳道史》等的史料,來探討自明治28 年至昭和10 年的四十年間,日本曹洞宗在台灣所從事的宗教活動。四十年不算短的歲月中,從成為日本殖民地,在各地蜂起的武裝抗日的社會動亂起,到被當局鎮壓安撫之後,社會秩序逐漸恢復安定的演變中,曹洞宗在台布教的方針也在不斷地作調整。這從明治29 年的「台灣島布教規程」,到昭和4 年修訂的「台灣島布教法」即可窺知。而其布教事業,當然是自佐佐木珍龍於明治28 年8 月3 日完成的「台灣宗教調查報告」開始,而根據其布教法規及在《宗報》上刊載的布教日誌及會議記錄,可以知道曹洞宗由初期吸收利用現成的台灣佛教資源,到自己開拓資源,覓地建寺,確立了以台北別院為統轄單位的統屬關係所從事的弘法事業。其中,因注重興學布教的原理,所以有從早期在各地創辦國語學校,到大正6 年成立的台灣佛教中學林。由於重視興學方可布教,所以造就了不少人材。拙文就是循著上述的方向,探討曹洞宗在台的布教事業。


The missionary work of the Soto School in Taiwan is part of the history of Taiwanese Buddhism under Japanese colonial rule. Basing herself on historical records like the Soto School's School Report which was published from 1897 on, the Report on Religion in Taiwan dating from 1896, the History of Overseas Missionary Activities of the Soto School etc. the present author probes into the religious activities of the Japanese Soto School in Taiwan between 1895 and 1935. The 40 years covered here saw subjection to Japanese rule, disturbances caused by armed resistance against the new overlords, suppression and pacification on the side of the authorities, and gradual reversion to a stable social order. The Soto School's missionary activity continuously tried to adapt its course to all these changes as is evidenced by the Missionary Methods for Taiwan, a 1929 revision of the Missionary Regulations for the Taiwan Island dating from 1986. Missionary work, of course, began with Sasaki Chinryu's Invesigative Report on Religion in Taiwan which was completed on August 3, 1896. As to its missionary enterprise, the Soto School absorbed and utilized existing Buddhist facilities before it developed its own resources, bought land, built temples, and established an organization which was under the supervision of its Branch Temple in Taipei. Emphasizing the principle of spreading the teaching through education, schools for the national language were established in many places in the early period, followed by the Taiwanese Buddhist High School in 1918. These efforts led to the training of a great number of capable people.




大野育子(2009)。日治時期佛教菁英的崛起 –以曹洞宗駒澤大學台灣留學生為中心〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2009.00269
