

戰後台灣五十餘年,經歷了政治、經濟和社會等快速現代化變遷,對於社團發展的影響,不可不謂深遠。社團發展不僅蘊含了深刻的社會、文化變遷意涵,也反映了國家與社會關係的轉變,其發展變遷性格,表現在都會型的區域尤為明顯。本論文探討戰後兼具現代工商業和國際性海港都市特質之高雄市的社團發展,觀察其在邁向現代化過程中的變遷內涵及意義。 就台灣整體環境變遷言,大抵在1970年代以前,國民黨政府為因應其統治之需要,將社團視為社會控制與動員的主要對象。1970年代以後,因外交挫敗所刺激出來的一連串社會自我懷疑和文化反省,使得社會上自主性團體大量增加,為因應局勢的改變,國民黨政府也逐漸改變其對民間團體的統制措施。特別在1980年代以後,隨著台灣政治、社會、經濟環境的變遷,民間社團日益展現其自主性,其在解嚴之後尤為明顯。 戰後高雄市的社團發展,一方面受到台灣整體環境變遷的影響,一方面則與高雄市特殊的歷史發展性格密切相關。清代打狗港的開發,日治時期的強化建設,戰後政府的經濟計畫、美援的資助政策和國際的經濟分工,促使高雄市發展為今日台灣第一大港灣和全世界第四大貨櫃轉運中心及百萬人口的都會區。這種演變成為高雄市社團發展的基礎。 戰後台灣全國性和地方性社團大抵呈現逐年遞增的現象。觀察高雄市各類型社團的發展,1987年解嚴以前,成長較為平緩,此後數量急遽增加,具有各種社會功能之社會團體更呈飛躍成長之勢,在性質上亦趨多元化。 由於特殊的社會經濟變遷,高雄市行政區域的發展有其先後,各區域的發展特性也不盡相同,因此各類型社團的發展表現了空間分布的特性,其中尤以漁業、商業、工業等職業團體表現尤為明顯。大體而言,高雄市商業團體的分布情況與各行政區的盛衰和工商業的重心轉移不可分割,亦與全市人口分佈重心發展趨勢相似。至於產業工會和職業工會的分布現象,則與高雄市的製造業區域分布有密切關聯。 戰後高雄市的社團發展,除了量與質的變化,也表現出社會與國家關係轉變的內涵。戰後國民黨威權統治時期,政府由上而下,對社團進行「命令—控制(Command-Control)」直線式的管理,高雄市社團中的「民眾服務站」和「婦女會」,深入社會各階層,發揮了國民黨「外圍組織」的功能。職業工會中的「碼頭工會」,則是此一時期國民黨政權統合主義下社團運作的典型代表。1980年代以後,社會力量崛起,都市議題成為社會運動的關懷主軸。其中高雄南方綠色革命運動所促成「柴山自然公園促進會」、「文化愛河協會」、「綠色協會」等環保團體的成立與行動,則是意味自下而上之民間社會挑戰政府角色的新權力關係。1990年代以後,在市民主義、社區主義等理念宣示下,地方社團積極參與社區文化重建工作,社區總體營造成為公私部門協力合作的新場域。高雄市的哈瑪星文化協會、紅毛港文化協會等社團的組織及運作,即是此類型的最佳代表。


Social clubs are in general formed to meet the multiple needs of the mankind’s gregarious instinct. During the past 50 years postwar, Taiwan has experienced drastic and rapid changes in modernization and diversification of society economically and politically, and these changes have a profound influence on the development of the civil clubs. Not only it reflects the transition of the relation between nation and society, the development of the civil clubs also exhibits a significant social and cultural context during transition. The transitional character of development is especially evident in metropolitan areas. It is the purpose of this research to study the development of the civil clubs in Kaohsiung – a modernized/industrialized city as well as an international harbor in order to examine the cultural/social context of a transition from an area full of developing opportunities into a modernized city. The construction and content of each of this report are outlined below. During the past 50 years postwar, civil clubs were considered as a channel of social control and mobilization by KMT in its attempt to have an absolute sovereignty over Taiwan. The backstage manipulation through autocratic administration of KMT in dealing with the civil clubs can be traced as KMT attempted to subsume, organize, re-construct, regulate, or restrict the civil clubs as a means of governance. However, as stimulated by numerous diplomatic setbacks in the 1970s, an emotion of social self-discredit and cultural introspection led to a rapid growth of independent civil clubs; accelerated a full dissemination of social capacity; and also changed the relation of “corporatist” between the KMT and the civil clubs. In the 1980s as Taiwan experienced a drastic transition politically, socially, and economically, the infiltration of the KMT into the civil clubs started to experience obstruction or even completely eliminated. This caused the civil clubs to develop their own independence, and the number of civil clubs grew rapidly as a general trend after 1987. As observed from a long-term process of development, the civil clubs in Kaohsiung as a whole evolved approximately in line with the context of the integral development of Taiwan. The drastic transition from a traditional society to a modernized society can be reflected from quantitative and qualitative transformation of the civil clubs. The civil clubs in Kaohsiung, a city of industrialization and modernization, on the other hand exhibit a unique geographic character. They experienced different transformation chronologically and geographically as the development of Kaohsiung city shifted from district to district at various stages in the city’s history. The geographic character can be seen from the fact that the civil clubs of kaohsiung out-performed those of other cities especially in the professional associations of fishery, commerce, and industry. Other than the influence of time and geography, the context of the power of society and nation as existed in the relation between civil clubs and government also plays an important role. Under KMT’s autocratic regime, a top-to-down “command-control” mechanism of administration formed a network of control and service between central government and local governments. Two typical examples were “Public Service Station” and “Women’s Association”, and they served as an outer-administration of the network for the KMT to control the society. In this period of time, the social power of the private sectors was suppressed. As time goes by, a mode of mutual restriction was formed as the government and labor unions utilized as well as restricted each other. A case in point is the establishment of “Harbor Union” of Kaohsiung. The third mode is the down-to-top scheme evolved from an emotion that the private sectors challenge government authorities during the movement of socialization of urban cities. The establishment of “Tsi Mountain Nature Park Promotion Association”, “Cultural Love River Association”, and “Green Association”, all attributed to the promotion of the movement called “Kaohsiung South Green Revolution”, are good examples of the third mode. In the meantime, another important relation, called “cooperatism”, is evolved between the private sectors and the local governments. As propagated by the civil and community advocates, the development of communities has a new fashion in which the idea of cooperatism is fully realized as a result of the factors including government’s integrated administration, active involvement of local civil clubs, and people’s concern about their hometowns. Under this movement, many civil clubs have operated and performed extremely well such as “Hamashin Culture Association” and “Red Hair Harbor Culture Association”. After a half-century evolvement postwar, Taiwan has indeed transformed into a civilian-awareness society. This can be clearly seen from the historical transition of the civil clubs in Kaohsiung. In analyzing the development of the civil clubs, not only can we have an insight of the development of the society, but also fully understand the context of the transition of the social structure. Geographic study on the civil clubs is also an important tool in the study of integral history of a certain area. As a conclusion, the civil clubs play a very important role in the gross structure of social operation. Therefore, the civil clubs are indeed a key element in the development of nowadays history.





