  • 期刊


Settlement Development and Social Change of Hung Mao Kang


本文探討紅毛港整體時空的變遷過程,除強調區域特色的形塑外,也分析人與環境交互作用的動態過程。形塑紅毛港孤立空間與衰退聚落景觀的關鍵力量,正是禁建與遷村政策。一個政策竟延宕長達30年,充分暴露政府行政效率差與各部門之間嚴重保守與本位封閉之心態。紅毛港人的長期憤滿,有賴政府實質的補償與精神慰藉來彌平。 紅毛港聚落分佈,海汕路東側遠較西側密集,規模也較大。近十年來本區聚落有顯著的擴張,尤以前三里(海澄、海昌及海豐里)最明顯。綿延海汕一路至五路的舊宅老厝群計有180間,共出現18種堂號,空間識覺上,感覺人際空間良好。整個紅毛港生態被經濟化的結果,污染更趨嚴重,漁業、養蝦業迅速沒落,產業結構也明顯蛻變。紅毛港戶數與人口數的逐年攀升只是一種假象,實際上半數人口已遷居他處,保留戶籍是為了爭取遷村後的補償權利。 本區空間衝突的根源包括:內外在環境的不協調、環境污染與破壞嚴重、遷村補償費太低、遷村案的拖延,以及親情流失等因素。漁撈方式隨著漁源枯竭而出現轉入製造業、服務業及出海但進行海上交易的調適方式。社會力的併發,也促成社區文化團體的組成,其對社區重建運動具重要價值。祭祀圈的調查,凸顯本區為一典型閩南移民之血緣聚落。聚落里界幾乎可與角頭廟劃上等號,顯見宗親內聚力量相當緊密,聚落的演化使祭祀圈的範圍更趨於模糊。但紅毛港人所表現的堅強團結性令人印象深刻。 因應地理教學的革新方向,以及鄉土地理日漸重要之趨勢,最後設計一份以學生活動為主的鄉土地理教學活動供參考使用。


This study investigates the social transformation of Hung Mao Kang in terms of time and space. Not only the formation of regional characteristics of Hung Mao Kang, but also the dynamic process of the interaction between the people and environment of Hung Mao Kang is analyzed in this paper. Basically, the prohibition law of construction and settlement relocation policy are the very vital forces that have contributed to the isolated and failing vernacular landscape of Hung Mao Kang. The lack of administrative efficiency, the egocentric conservatism and procrastinating mentality of govenments have resulted in chronic wrath of Hung Mao Kang residents. The population of Hung Mao Kang is not evenly distributed. Due to the compensation plan of the government, the number of registered household in this area has increased rapidly, particularly in the southern portion of the area. However, the increased number of registered household is misleading. As a matter of fact, the port functions and heavy industry of this area have brought vicious ecological consequences that not only drive the traditional fishery out of business, but change the economic structure of the area drastically. These ecological and economic changes have driven away the area's population. In spite of the change of economic structure and the decrease of population de facto, the social formation of the area is still strongly reflected in religious sphere of life. The societal cohesion and local identity is shown in people's efforts to institutionalize the maintainance of local historical and cultural relics. The identity and local historical and cutural relics will become symbols of the area even long after the settlement relocation implemented. Based upon the results of the present study, I have also designed a student-activity-oriented home geography teaching scheme, as the significance of home geography has increased in Taiwan.


林琬純(2009)。從工業大港到觀光大港? ──新舊發展議程衝突下的高雄港市再發展〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2009.03228
