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Building a Pure Land Lineage: A Study of Zhida's Play Guiyuan jing and a Translation of its Three Paratexts



This article entails a study of the Guiyuan jing 歸元鏡 (Mirror of the Return to the Origin), a play written by the seventeenth-century Chinese Buddhist monk Zhida 智達, along with an annotated translation of the three paratexts that he appended to the play. Drawing on hagiographical accounts of three celebrated Buddhist masters who were ardent devotees of Amitābha Buddha, the play establishes a patriarchal line of the Pure Land tradition. By situating this play within multiple efforts to draw up lists of Chinese Pure Land patriarchates, I argue that the dramatic genre both drove and facilitated Zhida's ambition to construct an unprecedented continuous Pure Land lineage. The play builds up this lineage by employing two key mechanisms: the historical transmission of the Amitābha Sūtra and the reincarnations of the three masters and their disciples. I also trace the possible sources for the plot of the Guiyuan jing from various genres, including Buddhist scriptures, masters’ biographies and their own writings, vernacular narratives, anecdotes, miracle tales, and other historical records. Furthermore, in his paratexts, Zhida explicitly expresses his ideal of using a play as an expedient device to promote the Pure Land teaching and awaken common people. The wide circulation of the Guiyuan jing among Buddhists from the Qing Dynasty to this day demonstrates the success of Zhida's goal. Zhida's Guiyuan jing and his accompanying paratexts provide us with a rare example of a Chinese Buddhist monk's engagement with playwriting and his opinions about theater, while also enriching our understanding of the Pure Land tradition in late imperial China.


Guiyuan jing Zhida Pure Land lineage theater




歸元鏡 智達 淨土 譜系 戲曲


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