  • 期刊


Comparing the Difference between Sprinters and Middle-Distance Runners on Health-related Physical Fitness and Basic Athletic Ability in Outstanding college students


本研究目的在探討優秀大專甲組短跑與中長跑選手的健康體適能與基本運動能力之差異情形。包括田徑短跑選手男生9名、女生8名,中長跑選手男生8名、女生9名,總共為34位。本研究使用SPSS 21 for Windows進行描述性統計分析,以獨立樣本t檢定來探究優秀大專甲組徑賽選手的健康體適能與基本運動能力之差異情形。結果發現在健康體適能與基本運動能力方面,男生短跑組其協調性、垂直跳高、立定跳遠、T測驗及60 m衝刺,皆顯著優於中長跑組,但坐姿體前彎及1分鐘仰臥起坐,則無差異;另外在女生短跑組其協調性、垂直跳高、立定跳遠及T測驗皆顯著優於中長跑組,但是坐姿體前彎、60 m衝刺及1分鐘仰臥起坐,並沒有顯著差異。在身體組成部分,結果發現在男生短跑組選手之骨骼重、體脂肪率、體脂肪重、全身肌肉量、腰臀比、身體質量指數、內臟脂肪及基礎代謝率,皆顯著高於中長跑組;在女生短跑組與中長跑組,短跑組只有全身肌肉量及基礎代謝率顯著高於中長跑組,其餘的身體組成項目兩組皆無顯著差異。結論為男生與女生短跑組發現其協調性、肌力及爆發力明顯優於男生與女生中長跑組。本研究所檢測的健康體適能與基本運動能力,可提供評估優秀大專甲組短跑與中長跑選手的訓練狀況,使教練能在訓練中有效掌握選手體能水平,以利各訓練階段之體能調控及賽前調整。


The purpose of this research is to explore the difference of outstanding college First Division's sprinters and distance runners on health related physical fitness and basic athletic ability, including 9 male and 8 female sprinters, 8 male and 9 female middle- and long-distance runners, totally 34 athletes. The SPSS 21.0 for Windows was used for running descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test to explore the health related physical fitness and fundamental motor abilities and body compositions of outstanding collegiate Class-A track-and-field athletes. The results show that, regarding health related physical fitness and fundamental motor abilities, the male sprinters coordination, vertical high jump, standing long jump, t-test and 60-meter sprint are all performed significantly better than male middle- and long-distance runners, while it shows no remarkable difference in V-shape sit-and-reach test and one-minute bent-knee sit-up. The female sprinters coordination, vertical high jump, standing long jump and t-test are also all significantly better than female middle- and long-distance runners while there is no noteworthy difference in V-shape sit-and-reach test, 60-meter sprint and one-minute bent-knee sit-up. When it comes to body compositions, the results show that the male sprinters skeletal muscle mass, body fat percentage ratio, body fat mass, lean body mass, waist-hip ratio, body mass index, visceral fat, basal metabolic rate are all significantly higher than middle- and long-distance runners. The female sprinters lean body mass and basal metabolic rate are significantly better than the middle- and long-distance runners, and it shows no significant difference in other body compositions. The conclusion is that it is found male and female sprinters coordination, muscle strength and explosive strength are all significantly better than middle- and long-distance runners. The health related physical fitness and basic athletic ability tested by detection of this study can make an assessment on training situation of the outstanding college First Division's sprinters and distance runners. In that way, it conduces to Instructors control effectively for each player's physical fitness level in training and have a benefit for training sections of physical fitness regulation and adjustment before the match.
