  • 期刊


The Influence of Organizational Capability, Network Resources and Timing on Own Brand Strategy for Late Movers: A Case Study of Taiwan OEM Firms


台灣廠商長期代工國際品牌,擁有引以為傲的製造能力,但隨著國際代工市場競爭激烈,代工利潤日益微薄,建立自有品牌是許多廠商的夢想;但在既有國際品牌的競爭壓力下,後進國家的後進品牌如何才有勝出之機會?本研究探討三項因素(1)內部組織能力(2)外部網絡資源(3)時機因素的影響,並藉由質性研究方法採用縱斷面之次級資料,追溯2 家個案廠商-裕隆Luxgen 與宏達電HTC 自創品牌的過程加以歸納並推導命題。研究發現台灣代工廠商必須善加運用多年累積的製造與設計實力、創新推出差異化產品,且宜有先前品牌經驗作為基礎。另外,結合外部最佳合作夥伴所提供的資源,並掌握環境有利的時機,才得以順利將品牌推展至國際市場。


Given its excellent production capacity, Taiwan has long been the OEM center of the world for global brand-name products. However, as a result of worldwide competition, profits in OEM ventures have decreased steadily. Many Taiwanese OEMs therefore hope to establish their own brands in order to secure and increase their profit margins. It is the goal of this study to determine whether organizational capability, network resources, and appropriate timing for entering the market are three essential factors for late movers being able to succeed in building their own brand products. To address this issue, through the utilization of longitudinal secondary data, the researchers investigated the processes of how two brands, LUXGEN in the automobile industry and HTC in the smart phone industry, were successfully introduced to the global marketplace. Findings drawn from this study indicate that (1) capitalizing upon their company's manufacturing and design abilities, (2) sharpening their innovation capabilities to set their products apart from those of their competitors, (3) possessing prior experience in branding, (4) taking advantage of the resources of their best partners, and (5) choosing appropriate timing to enter the market are several factors that allow companies to transform themselves from OEMs to brand-name forces to be reckoned with on the international stage.
