  • 學位論文

進入時機、進入模式與經營績效關係之研究 -以大陸台商液晶顯示器零組件產業區域群聚為對象

Entry Timing﹐Entry Model and Performance –Regional Industrial Cluster of Taiwanese LCD Components Firm’s Investment in Mainland China

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


摘 要 TFT-LCD由日本擴散轉移至台灣以及韓國,經過幾年發展已各自形成區域產業群聚。Porter(1990)以「鑽石模型」(diamond model)分析一個國家產業之競爭優勢,產業群聚觀念視作發展產業的一項理論基礎;並認為有先進的外國大廠進駐時,通常會提昇本國企業生產力。由於IT產業考量人工成本,逐漸將勞力密集的組裝廠移往中國大陸,進而對上游供應商產生牽引,國內面板五虎於2002年開始進入華東地區設廠,尤其在蘇州地區產生完整的產業群聚。而佔材料成本21%且客製化程度高的的背光模組供應商,自然成為最先被要求共同到大陸設廠,然而到大陸設廠地點選擇、進入時機、進入模式與合作對象,為須考慮的議題。Dunning(1988)認為若是綜合因子能力優勢越強(即地理區位優勢、公司能力優勢、內部化優勢)越高,則會越趨於採取高整合的方式進入海外市場。 本研究採用個案研究法,針對國內上櫃上市,而且在中國有投資的TFT-LCD關鍵零組件廠做為研究對象,其中彩色濾光片因政府未開放前段製程赴大陸設廠,尚未有台商進入大陸設廠外,偏光板方面,國內唯一具規模廠商–力特光電最快在2005年底赴大陸華東地區設廠,故目前僅有背光模組廠商到大陸設廠並量產供貨,本研究經由深度訪談及次級資料分析與個案匯整後,發展出相關命題。 本研究結果發現: 一、獨資進入廠商如瑞儀光電屬於早期進入廠商傾向採取獨資進入。 二、產品線廣度較完整廠商傾向採取獨資模式進入而對於經營績效有較高表現。 三、產業群聚完整區域廠商傾向採取獨資的進入模式其經營績效有較高表現。四、產業群聚區域廠商其產品線廣度較完整對經營績效有較高表現。 關鍵字:TFT-LCD、背光模組、進入策略、產業群聚、經營績效


Abstract The TFT-LCD industries transferred from Japan diffused to Taiwan and Korea and after couple years’ development the industrial cluster formed respectively. Porter(1990)used “diamond model” to analyze the competitive advantage of nation, take view of industrial cluster as a theoretical basic of industry development, and believed while the advanced great foreign industries tenanted, as usually the local industries produce capability were prompted. Result in labor cost was considerable by IT industries, they gradually move labor force crowded assembly factories to mainland China, and further urged suppliers follow. The top 5 local industries began to enter the east area of mainland China in 2002 and become integral industrial cluster specially in Suzhou area. Backlight module Industries whose material cost involved 21% with high level of customization naturally be priority requested entering mainland China, however proper location choice, proper entry time, appropriate entry model and cooperate partner become critical issues. Dunning(1988)believed the stronger advantage of integrated factors of capability (geographical section, company’s capability advantage, internalization advantage), the more tendency of adopting high integrated mode to enter the overseas markets. This study used the method of case research, aimed on OTC-listed and TSEC-list company in Taiwan which invested China for TFT-LCD key components factories, except for color filters as result in government policy of China investment was not yet open for former section production there was none invested China industries. Concerning for the polarizer , Optimax – the only one dominated industries in Taiwan will invested China for factory establish soonest around end of 2005. Therefore, there were only backlight module industries already set up and supply their mass production in China. This study obtained relative propositions after deep interviewed, secondary information analyze and case data compiled. This research obtained some conclusions as below: 1. The earliest enter mainland China factory tend to invest by wholly-owned investment, like factory Radiant-Opto Electronics Corporation. 2. Industries who has more complete production lines tend to invest wholly-owned and achieved higher performance. 3. Factories located in integrity industrial cluster tended to invest howlly-owned and achieve higher performance. 4. Industrial clustered factories has more complete production line as achieved higher performance. Key words: TFT-LCD; Back Light Module; Entry Strategy; Industrial Cluster; Performance


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