  • 期刊


Study of the legal regime of ecotourism in National Park- in the case of Sheding Community in Kenting National Park As Example




Sheding Community, located between Sheding Park and Kenting Forest Recreation Area, was chosen as the demonstration place of ecotourism tourism by the National Park Headquarters in 2004; Based on the corporations of community participation, community empowerment and official supports, the accomplishment of this community is very successful and impressive. Meanwhile, this community begins to face the legal challenges: the law of ecotourism tourism is insufficient to support their achievements at present. Aiming to dissolving this legal dilemma, this paper analyses the concept, definition and requirements of ecotourism tourism; secondly, analyses the present legal system of ecotourism tourism; thirdly, analyses the concerning legal issues; finally gives some recommendations to dissolve the concerning issues.
