  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


Business Model and Consumer Demand of Tabletop Game Restaurants


桌遊產業近年來在台灣蓬勃發展,玩桌遊的人口也越來越多,為了讓玩家有更好的玩樂空間,市場上便出現了所謂的桌遊餐廳。但桌遊餐廳的經營面臨到兩項相互衝突因素的影響:(1)餐廳的經營收入主要來自於來客數的多寡與翻桌率的高低;(2)桌遊一開客人就是坐三小時以上進而影響翻桌率,這樣的特性使得桌遊餐廳的經營值得深入探討。所以本研究主要的目的為:(1)探討桌遊餐廳產業的營運獲利模式;(2)瞭解桌遊玩家對桌遊餐廳的需求;(3)調查桌遊玩家的類型與消費習慣是否有所影響。本研究於2015 年3 月至4 月以問卷調查,共計發放問卷400 份。問卷分析結果:(1)桌遊餐廳營收大多來自餐食;(2)男性玩家大於女性玩家,且店家如有比賽或者是聯誼活動,男性玩家參加比率會高很多;(3)桌齡較久的老玩家,比較會去桌遊相關的店家消費,而基本低消的消費方式較為歡迎。根據以上的需求調查結果顯示。因此,本研究的建議如下:(1)收入主要來自餐食,應增加餐食方面的品質;(2)店家可經常舉辦一些聯誼或比賽活動,不但可讓店家的聲望變高,也可讓玩家認識新朋友,一舉兩得;(3)老玩家對桌遊相關的消費能力較大,可針對這些玩家做一些會員優惠,讓老玩家保持對店家的忠誠度。


Table games is certainly a growing trend in Taiwan, and with the increase in number of tabletop game players, there has been an emerge of different marketing strategies to meet up with the demands of the community, one of them being the "Tabletop game themed restaurant." But there are two major factors that would affect this business plan, which is: the profits of this particular kind of restaurant depends on the number of customers, and also once a tabletop game starts it would last for as long as three hours, henceaffecting the availability for other players to start a new game. The objective of this research is to: 1) determine the factors that would affect the profit of this business plan. 2) Getting to know consumer demands. 3) To determine if the types of tabletop games provided would affect the consumers' monetary habits. Upon reviewing 400 questionnaires, we have came to the conclusion that: 1) Most of the restaurant's profits come from the food served. 2) There are a significant larger number of male consumers than female consumers. 3) Only those who are really interested in tabletop games would go to tabletop game themed restaurants. And also, the cheaper the better. Thus based on the research results we have came to several suggestions: 1) As most of the profits come from the food served, restaurants should improve the quality of the food served. 2) The owners of these restaurants should have more fun events to promote the restaurant. 3) Die-hard fans of tabletop games make up a very important part in the whole scheme of things, so there should be more special benefits or promotions for them to maintain their loyalty.
