  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


A Study on the Aging Learner's Perception and Satisfaction Toward the Different Types of the Board Game Program




高齡者 桌遊 教學成效


In 1993, Taiwan entered an aging society. Since 2001, the population aged over 65 has continued to climb. Until 2018, the number of people aged 65 has reached 14.05%, it means an aged society has been coming. The impact of aging on the elderly adults has always been a problem that the research wants to explore and try to prevent. In recent years, Taiwan has also used board games in teaching or therapy. For elderly adults, board games can improve the quality of life and promote leisure participation in satisfying social needs. It can also help them maintain the cognitive functions. At present, the study of board games is mostly applied to children and adolescents. There is few understanding on elderly adults. Therefore, this study intends to discuss about elderly adults and use board games as an intervention to train elderly adults in cognitive functions. The purpose of this study was to understand the perceptions and satisfaction of two different types of board games. In this study, the Ministry of Health and Welfare compiled a questionnaire on the prevention and delay of disability services. At the end of the course, 44 questionnaires were distributed and 40 were returned. The results of the study showed that the total course satisfaction was 4.70. The content of the questionnaire was divided into three domain, which were teachers' teaching, equipment environment and learning effects. Participants of intuitive reaction type had 4.78 satisfaction with teacher teaching, 4.77 satisfaction with equipment environment, and 4.7 satisfaction with learning effects; 4.7% satisfaction with teacher-based teaching by strategic participants; 4.67 satisfaction with equipment environment; satisfaction with learning results The degree is 4.58. The qualitative feedback is divided into three parts, which are the impressive things, thoughts and suggestions. According to the contents of the questionnaire, both groups were impressed with the help of teacher and teaching assistant; the participants with the type of intuitive board games often mentioned training responses, agility, and interesting content of the courses. Participants the type of strategy board games mentioned that they could help brain concentration and promote brain activity. The two groups mentioned that they hope to curriculum more board games courses so that they can continue to contact and increase their enjoyment of life.
