  • 會議論文
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【論文摘要】During the Epidemic, the Exploration of Using Plants to Enhance Positive Emotions!


台灣在2021年時面臨第一波疫情高峰期,限制了人們的自由、也迫使人們重新調整自己的生活型態。原本可以自由自在的去接觸大自然,在疫情下只能有限制的移動,因而疫情期間室內觀葉植物崛起,療癒了疫情下焦慮的心,也陪伴著社交距離及自由設限下孤獨的自我。植物學家James Wong表示(NHK WORLD-JAPAN, 2022),綠植的顏色確實可以影響心情,增加幸福感,也能緩解壓力、解除焦慮,是本研究的主要目的。研究以問卷調查法來進行,問卷發放方式以網路社群FB為主,針對年滿20歲之民眾。共回收101份問券,有效問券101份,以40-49歲的女性民眾為大宗,採用量化及質性的研究分析,Cronbach's alpha值0.788,在問卷中放入郭毓仁博士審議「認知壓力量表」(Heliker, D., A. Chadwick, and T.O' Connel.2000),以評估受測者這段期間的壓力指數,再加入其他開放式問題。「在疫情期間,從事園藝活動,帶給您何種影響和改變」此問題受訪者回覆多為心情平靜、放鬆、療癒、舒緩壓力且充滿期待,佔55.44%有正向情緒。受訪者亦表示:「接受不同型態的學習模式,增加看待事物的彈性」,研究結果呼應健康心理學(2022)所提到的因應壓力情境的方法:投入正向情緒、尋找益處或意義、投入情緒探索、適應壓力源。


植物 孤獨 壓力 焦慮 正向情緒


Taiwan is facing the peak of the first wave of the epidemic in 2021 , restricting people's freedom and forcing people to readjust their lifestyles. Originally, I could freely go in contact with nature, but under the epidemic , I could only move with restrictions. Therefore, during the epidemic , indoor foliage plants rose, which healed the anxiety of the epidemic , and accompanied social distance and loneliness under the restrictions of freedom. self. Botanist James Wong said ( NHK WORLD-JAPAN , 2022 ) that the color of green plants can indeed affect mood, increase happiness, relieve stress and relieve anxiety. The main purpose of this study is to enhance the association of positive emotions through plants. . The research was carried out with the method of questionnaire survey , and the method of distributing the questionnaire was mainly in the online community FB, targeting people aged 20 and above. A total of 1 01 questionnaires were recovered, 101 valid questionnaires were collected , and the majority of female people aged 40-49 were used for quantitative and qualitative research analysis. The Cronbach's alpha value was 0.788 , and Guo Yu was included in the questionnaire. Dr. Jen reviewed the Cognitive Stress Scale ( Heliker , D., A. Chadwick, and T. O'Connel . 2000 ) to assess subjects' stress indices during this period, adding other open-ended questions . "During the epidemic , what kind of impact and change did gardening bring to you?" Respondents to this question mostly responded that they felt calm, relaxed, healed , relieved stress and were full of expectations, accounting for 55.44% with positive emotions. Respondents also said: "Accept different types of learning models and increase the flexibility of looking at things." The research results echo the methods mentioned in Health Psychology ( 2022 ) to cope with stressful situations: investing in positive emotions, looking for benefits or meanings , engage in emotional exploration, and adapt to stressors.


plants loneliness stress anxiety positive emotions
