  • 期刊


Reflecting the Decolonization Process from the Interactive Experiences between the Atayal People and the Christian Church




The purpose of this article is to explore the experiences of the Atayal people in interacting with the Christian religion, and to reflect on the decolonization process. Based on the personal participation in the Atayal people's decolonization of the forest space, the reconstructive action of the subjective space and the interaction between the tribe and Christianity, the author presents and interprets the Atayal people's subjective view of "decolonization" and its value. While resisting and responding to colonial space governance, the tribal people are seeking to survive and develop. In the meantime, they revitalize Indigenous traditional knowledge and space, transitioning from the position of passive resistance to active reconciliation through interpretation and ritual practice of traditional Sbalay-reconciliation culture. In the area of ethnic relations, the essay seeks reconciliation and peace coexistence with other ethnic groups. In terms of the country's governance of power relations, it looks for ways to repair, to restore the harmonious relationship of equality and reciprocity, and to practice transformational justice. Lastly, in light of Christian ecumenical movements, the author endeavors to explore a more broad perspective of the decolonization movement, as well as to present the meaning and value of the struggle of Taiwan Indigenous peoples across the centuries.
