  • 學位論文


Restarting the Dialogue: A Study on the‘Traditional’ Knowledge Construction Process of Atayal Tribal School

指導教授 : 張瑋琦


後殖民時代,原住民族如何拾起自身知識建構的主權,是長期受到關注的課 題。臺灣原住民族委員會(Council of Indigenous Peoples)於2012 年推動部落學 校(tribal school)設立計畫,試圖協助原住族重掌教育自主權。本研究以泰雅族 南湖大山部落學校(Tayal tribal school)為例,透過參與觀察與深入訪談,以民族 誌書寫探討部落學校如何建構傳統傳統知識,以及傳遞身為泰雅族知識。並進一 步分析部落學校對再詮釋、再創造傳統文化之歷程與其背後意涵。 本研究分析部落學校所建構的傳統是以耆老、照片、文獻作為依據,再經過 教師們的詮釋而成為現今部落學校所教導的「傳統」,因此,教師們在建構傳統 知識的同時也是選擇可以被作為體驗的傳統,部落學校所靠近的「傳統」,並非 是古代任何一時間點的生活樣貌,而是讓新世代瞭解泰雅知識是如何順應著時代 的潮流而流傳至今。教師們重新啟動身為當代泰雅族人看世界的觀點,帶領學生 在現代的時空看見傳統蛻變的過程,以部落學校作為思辨現代知識與傳統知識的 對話場域,更企盼從部落學校發芽的新生代,未來也能以自己的力量重掌敘說自 己族群故事的能力。 本研究發現,以現代化教育的教案方式所進行的傳統知識建構,建構者需同 時具備現代教育知識與傳統知識,因此,儘管部落學校被定位為實施傳統教育, 但它除重返部落之外,我們可以看見傳統知識正以「文字」此新的傳遞方式呈現, 但對於民族教育而言,僅有文字是不夠的,為了實現教育自主權,部落學校將文 化進行課程化。在國家教育政策發展下,民族教育的發展仍然有太多無法掌握的 部分,現階段民族教育最主要的實施場域仍舊是一般學校,那才是此刻民族教育 真正的戰場,因此,部落學校知識建構最重要的意義即是,以現代知識作為輔助 建構傳統知識的力量與工具,並期待有朝一日能與現代教育達到並駕齊驅之日。


Amongst the many lines of inquiry emerging within postcolonial trends in academia and practice, the complex ways in which indigenous peoples navigate the sovereignty of knowledge construction is of special concern and interest. The Council of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan promoted the establishment of Tribal Schools in 2012, with the intention of educational autonomy and knowledge construction sovereignty to local tribal groups. Taking the Atayal tribal school as the research subject, this study engages in methodological practices common in anthropology: participation, observation, and in-depth interviews, to investigate how teachers interpret and re-interpret elements of traditional culture in the processes of knowledge construction. Research indicates that knowledge construction in the Atayal Tribal School develops according to restart dialogue and discourse, relating the actors’ experiences with elders, images, and written/oral literature; each actor, possessing their own interpretation of tradition, thereby present distinct translations of this tradition. In the context of shifting generational demographics and changing environmental conditions, actors propose an idea of “selecting the tradition”. In this case, the Atayal tribal school approaches the notion of “tradition”, not in a way that conforms to the ancient past, but in a way that accepts and accommodates change by focusing on how knowledge inevitably conforms to the trend of the times, and is passed down accordingly. For the Atayal Tribal School, teachers effectively restart the Atayal viewpoint, while the tribal school itself acts as a vector for dialogue whilst navigating the complexities of interpret and re-interpret what constitutes modern knowledge and what constitutes traditional knowledge. An additional purpose of the school is to guide students in an effort to cultivate cultural elites by allowing them to experience the history and present emergence of Atayal traditions for themselves. The expectation being that each successive generation of Atayal Tribal School students actively work towards promoting the story of indigeneity, the intricacies of knowledge construction, and the importance of tribal education with renewed passion, interest, and power in the march towards decolonization in the future.


邱韻芳(2011)。從祖靈祭到Mgay Bari:當代太魯閣「傳統」祭儀的建構與詮釋。
