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Memories Incarcerated: Exhibition and Imprisonment in the Colonial Prison Museums


本文檢視監獄空間的過去與未來,探討東亞暨東南亞殖民治理如何以建設「現代化監獄」展現,而且再現於當代監獄博物館空間。本研究由描繪帝國主義下亞洲監獄的誕生、拆除或保存為文化資產,來檢視這些殊異又相似的文化政治過程展現了國族主義馴化歷史的企圖。以三個案例,包括臺北監獄、旅順日俄監獄,以及新加坡樟宜監獄,聚焦於其如何再現國家、戰爭、監禁與殖民主義。旅順日俄監獄被完整保存為博物館,成為重要愛國教育基地; 樟宜戰俘營區業已拆除,但以一重建小教堂及附設博物館,持續強調二次大戰時期國際戰俘的傷痛記憶。在臺北,已然消失的臺北監獄為戰爭記憶所掩蓋,戰後移民聚落重寫監獄周邊殖民地景,直到近年臺灣政府欲複製日本東京經驗推動「臺北六本木」,讓圍繞著殘存監獄高牆的殖民記憶更複雜曖昧。透過這些記憶或刻意不記憶的歷史路徑與其所通達的博物館,作者將梳理監獄的展/禁空間中所蘊藏的歷史與當代意義。


監獄 懲罰 戰爭 文化資產


Mobilizing place memories around the colonial prisons in East and South East Asia, I draw attention to the colonial project of staging modernity in the construction of modern prisons in its colonies. State responses to colonial modernity, I argue, are demonstrated in the various ways in which the colonial prisons are preserved, demolished, or transformed into heritages laden with cultural politics. By investigating the Taihoku Prison in Taipei, the Lushun Russo-Japanese Prison in China, and the Changyi Prison Camp in Singapore, I trace the varying representations of state, war, and colonialism in these postcolonial contexts. While the Chinese government preserved the Lushun Russo-Japanese Prison and turned it into a museum as a site of patriotic education, the Changyi Prison Camp was demolished and replaced with a focus on a newly-built chapel both to highlight the POW's in captivity under Japanese occupation and the emotional scars of the war years. In contrast, the Taihoku Prison in Taipei, covered by memories of the 1949 Civil War and related cross-strait migration, is presented as a redevelopment site like "a golden goose." The Taiwan government's plan to replicate the Roppongi Hills model there, by engaging a city image from its former colonizer, which adds complexity to the forgotten prison. By comparing the different strategies to contain memories of the colonial prisons in postcolonial context, I examine politics of remembering heritage across localities to see how "crime" and "punishment" continuously constitute colonial modernity and their contemporary meanings.


Prison Punishment War Heritage
