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Disability Culture, Social Justice and Power in Museum Service and Accessibility Practices


以藝文(博物館)場域現有的無障礙可及性服務(accessibility)之相關訓練課程來看,目前皆以提供實務技巧、技術與方法為主,但對「障礙者」的概念缺乏社會正義觀點為基礎的論述。因此,鮮少針對服務提供者(serviceprovider)與身心障礙觀眾之間的「服務關係」以及其關係夾雜的權力位置(power positions)做進一步的檢視與思辯。筆者身為障礙文化工作者、藝術行政與障礙研究學學者,認為在物理空間、資訊、服務方面,落實可及性的技巧對博物館工作者來說是基本功;但「障礙文化」與「社會正義」的知識概念,更是影響博物館扛起社會責任、永續經營無障礙可及性服務的關鍵。本文檢視美國本地藝文單位無障礙可及性服務工作的歷史、社會、文化運動脈絡,並針對現今身心障礙文化平權相關政策與實務工作的現況,提供批判性思辨論述。本文期待,能夠和對效仿西方國家無障礙可及性服務有興趣的台灣博物館工作者開啟對話的機會;同時也透過社會模式、政治/關係模式的視窗來促進博物館工作者,在思考身心障礙與無障礙議題時,能夠有更寬廣的視野。博物館工作者在倡導障礙者社會平權和文化平權工作時,必須要集體動員、創新一套符合障礙文化脈絡、社會正義導向的服務法則,以避免複製父權和健全主義心態影響,造成的上對下的服務模式。


Accessibility training workshops and programs for arts, culture and museum practitioners mostly focused on the practical how-tos, leaving out instruction on basic understandings of disability from a social justice perspective. As a result, the power relations within the "service relationship"—between service providers and patrons with disabilities—remain unexamined and unchallenged. As a disability culture worker, arts administrator and disability studies scholar, I agree that practical how-tos are essential skills to acquire, but practitioners must be knowledgeable in disability culture and social justice, which are crucial to sustain a socially responsible accessibility practice in museums. This paper will first contextualize the historical, social and cultural movements of the accessibility policy and practice in the arts and cultural settings in the U.S, and present a critical perspective on current related policies. This paper aims to create a dialogue with Taiwanese museum practitioners who are interested in modeling after their Western counterparts and who wish to broaden their view of disability and accessibility through a social and political/relational lens. This paper argues that museum practitioners must find ways to address the common paternalistic and Ableist approach when addressing disability social inclusion and cultural rights.
