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高正義期待與低政治參與:從Otfried Höffe的正義理論觀察臺灣的社會正義問題

High Expectation of Justice and Low Level of Political Participation: Observing the Problems of Social Justice in Taiwan based on Otfried Höffe's Theory of Justice


本文試圖透過德國思想家Otfried Höffe對於社會正義的看法,探討在一項調查中,臺灣民眾相當高比例對於社會正義現狀感到不滿,但是其政治參與程度卻相對低落的可能意涵。自John Rawls在1970年代以《正義論》(A Theory of Justice)發起正義問題的討論以來,正義問題的探討往往偏向建構主義式的論述,亦即著重於理想正義原則的建構與認識,然而卻缺乏對於公民政治參與及正義社會的實現兩者之間的討論與關照。對此,Höffe則明確地指出,社會正義的實現必須透過積極的政治熱情與參與,而非正義原則的建構,方有可能。


In a survey focused on attitudes regarding the problem of social justice in Taiwan, we find a remarkable phenomenon: high ratio of respondents are not satisfied with the situation of social justice, however very low ratio of respondents have experiences of political participation. In order to explain the phenomenon and its possible meanings, this article uses Otfried Höffe's theory of social justice, which indicates that rather than construct the ideal principles of justice, aggressive political participation is more likely to help achieving social justice.
