  • 期刊

貝多芬鋼琴三重奏《大公》(Opus 97)之樂曲與演奏論析

A Music Analysis and Performance Consideration of Beethoven's Piano Trio in B-Flat Major "Archduke"


本研究旨在分析與探討貝多芬降B 大調《大公》鋼琴三重奏,作品編號第九十七號。一直以來,此曲不僅受到大眾的喜愛,更是鋼琴三重奏中極具代表性的樂曲。為了能對這首傑出的作品能有全面及深入的瞭解,本研究將先從相關文獻進行探討,接著對全曲的創作背景、風格、架構及要素來探究與分析,最後提出演奏上之結論和建議。研究發現:貝多芬在鋼琴三重奏《大公》運用了許多創新的手法,並展現出獨特的個人風格,包括非傳統的樂章編排、貫穿全曲的主題動機、各樂器聲部間的對位、多樣化的節奏、豐富的和聲變換等。建議未來演奏者應注意在技巧、速度、合奏及情感上的控制與表現,才能具體展現出全曲崇高宏偉的曲風及深刻內斂的情感。


貝多芬 鋼琴三重奏 大公


In 1811, Beethoven composed the Piano Trio "Archduke" in B Flat Major, Opus 97. This piece is one of Beethoven’s supreme achievements in music and a landmark work for piano, violin, and cello. In order to provide a comprehensive study of the "Archduke" Trio, this paper will examine its compositional background and analyze the work’s form, thematic unity, rhythmic figures, and harmonic structure. As a whole, the trio lacks traditional sonata arrangements, though its unified by tightly interrelated thematic motives and underscored by polyphonic textures, different rhythmic patterns, and dramatic alternation of harmony. Performers who play this piece should be able to maintain steady rhythms and be keenly aware of changing tempos, alongside the ability to engage with the mood and emotion presented by the ensemble. Only then will the performer be able to fully express the emotional depth and spectrum of this work.


Beethoven piano trio Archduke


歐彥伶(2012)。路德維希.范.貝多芬《降B 大調第七號鋼琴三重奏,作品九十七》之分析研究(碩士論文)。國立臺南大學音樂學系。
Czerny, Carl,Badura-Skoda, Paul(Ed.)(1963).Über den richtigen Vortrag der sämtlichen Beethoven'schen Klavierwerke.Wiener Urtexted. London:Universal Edition.
Grace, Harvey. Ludwig van Beethoven. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1927.
