  • 期刊

殺菌劑抗藥性行動委員會(Fungicide Resistance Action Committee)簡介與臺灣殺菌劑抗藥性研究進展

Review of Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) Information and Fungicide Resistance Studies in Taiwan


殺菌劑的過度使用可能造成植物病原菌抗藥性風險增加。殺菌劑抗藥性行動委員會(Fungicide Resistance Action Committee, FRAC)為一國際殺菌劑抗藥性研究組織,經由資料收集與實地監測,提供殺菌劑施用的建議。本文概述FRAC提出的施藥指引與調查結果,並說明臺灣殺菌劑過往的抗藥性報導,盤點與歸納未來在本土研究策略上可執行的部分。FRAC不同工作小組針對不同作物病原菌以活體法、體外法及分子檢測法評估殺菌劑對病原的藥效,並將監測結果劃分抗性等級,其中對苯醌外部抑制(quinone outside inhibitor, QoI)類具高抗性之菌株紀錄最多,其次為琥珀酸去氫酶抑制(succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor, SDHI)類,其餘各類亦有不同抗性程度之病原菌株。FRAC針對各作用機制亦提供施藥指引,包含分子作用機制介紹、建議施藥方法、施藥上限次數等。FRAC亦收集文獻,目前共有421種作物對害物的抗藥性案例,其中以對作用機制B類藥劑之139種最多,其次為對C類87種和對G類51種;臺灣有關殺菌劑感受性的研究發表共有23篇69種,件數最高者亦為C類之20種、B之19種以及G類10種,其中以子囊菌之炭疽病菌(Colletotrichum spp.)研究最多,其次為灰黴病菌(Botrytis spp.),另有少量其餘病原菌之調查。本文依上述概況建議未來在本土抗藥性的研究策略上可朝幾方面探討,包括單劑與混用藥劑對抗藥性發展之趨勢、模式研究作物與抗藥性害物資訊建立、各類重要作用機制的抗藥性監測及田間應用與政府管制面的結合等。期望與國外抗藥性研究組織交流監測與應用知識,使化學防治的有效性得以被延續。


殺菌劑 抗藥性 FRAC 作用機制 臺灣


Plant pathogen resistance to fungicides can increase when fungicidal agents are overused. The Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) is an international research organization that provides standards for fungicide use according to reference reviews and field monitoring. This article summarized fungicide usage indices and field data from FRAC, reviewed historical fungicide resistance reports from Taiwan, and suggested directions for future research. FRAC has established working groups for pesticides with different modes of action (MoA) and has ranked the effectiveness of pesticides against various pathogens using in vitro, in vivo, and molecular methods. According to FRAC data, more high-resistance cases were reported for the quinone outside inhibitor (QoI) group than for any other group. The succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) group was associated with the second greatest number of high-resistance cases. Other pesticide groups were also associated with several resistance cases. Fungicide usage indices were based on (1) introduction of resistance molecular mechanisms, (2) application methods and (3) maximum spray times in a single cultivation season. We identified 421 crop and pathogen fungicide-resistance cases reported by FRAC, including 139 cases for MoA-B, 87 cases for MoA-C, and 51 cases for MoA-G. In reviewing studies from Taiwan, we found 23 reports and 69 cases of fungicide resistance, including 20 cases for MoA-C, 19 cases for MoA-B, and 10 cases for MoA-G. The majority of resistance reports were related to anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.) and grey mold (Botrytis spp.). Based on these findings, we suggest that future research should focus on resistance trends for single or multiple active ingredients, the construction of monitor technique for model crops and pathogens, resistance monitoring of important MoAs, and best practices for field applications. In addition, to reduce pesticide resistance, effective government regulations should be developed and implemented. By reporting monitoring data and application methods to FRAC and other research institutes, pesticide effectiveness can be maintained.


fungicide resistance FRAC mode of action Taiwan
