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  • OpenAccess


Theater Interpretation in French Museums: Development and Examples




Since the 19th century, in the Western world, elements of theater have become important media of communication between the public and museums, after being successfully employed in exhibitions and guided tours. For the past two decades, the use of theater interpretation to reinforce the educational function has become very popular among museums in North America and Europe. In contrast, there is a lack of this kind of interpretation among museum activities in Taiwan, except in some diorama installations in ecological exhibitions designed by foreign companies. This study attempts to analyze the relationship between museums and theater, to determine the factors that can be applied to exhibitions, guided tours and demonstrations. It also discusses the function of theater interpretation in the building of a communicative bridge between the museum and its visitors. Another purpose of this study is to introduce case studies of seven contemporary French museums that make use of theater interpretation in their operations. It is hoped that the results of this study will encourage museum professionals in Taiwan to seek ways to apply theater interpretation to link objects with visitors' life experiences. One of the characteristics of theater interpretation is the use of creativity to form these links, which help visitors to obtain a more profound understanding of objects in the content of exhibitions.


theater interpretation diorama museum


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Caillet, E.,Lehalle, E.(1995).A l'approche du musée, la médiation culturelle.Presses Universitaires de Lyon.


