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A Survey of the Current Status of Public Museum Adoption of Social Media in Taiwan


社交媒體(Social Media)近年來的快速發展,改變了人們的溝通方式,使得人人皆可闡述想法、創造內容。營利企業組織更將其進行策略性整合,以創造口碑行銷的效益與建立更好的顧客關係。社交媒體的力量甚至影響到社會與政治層面,不但成為民眾群聚、發聲的利器,也是能貼近民心的溝通管道。這股熱潮漸漸延燒到博物館界,美國史密森機構於2009年策略發展會議中主張博物館應做出改變,以因應社交媒體對社會造成的影響。臺灣教育部社教司也從2010下半年開始對所屬館所積極推動社交媒體的運用。本研究嘗試對國內不同類型之公立博物館進行調查,以瞭解各館目前使用社交媒體的現況,研究對象為設置於主要都會區的公立博物館,包括歷史文化類、自然史/科學類及藝術類。研究第一部分先至各博物館官網檢視其Web2.0/非Web2.0工具包含社交媒體的運用狀況,第二部分則以問卷方式對各館營運社交媒體相關議題進行調查。研究結果顯示國內公立博物館運用社交媒體多為達到博物館行銷之目標。綜觀各類型博物館採用的社交媒體工具,以Facebook與YouTube的使用比例最高。而各館負責社交媒體業務的部門不盡相同,但多以公共服務或教育相關組室為主。此外,本研究亦針對其他社交媒體管理議題進行討論。


The rapid development of social media in recent years has changed the way we communicate. With social media, everyone can be a content creator. The business sector has already tapped into this powerful marketing channel to build more robust customer relationships. Politicians have employed social media tools to gain public support. The museum field has also explored the implications of these new tools. During a strategic planning meeting in 2009, curators of the information service of the Smithsonian Institution claimed that the museum should prepare to cope with changes caused by the rise in social media. Since 2010, the Department of Social Education of the Ministry of Education of Taiwan has promoted the adoption of social media for the museum sector. This study attempts to investigate the adoption of social media in three types of public museums in Taiwan: art museums, history and culture museums and science museums. These museums are all located in metropolitan areas. The first phase of the study was a general survey of social media tools on the museum's websites. The second phase included data collected from mail questionnaire to examine the various issues related to the management and measurement of success of social media applications. Data analysis revealed that for most museums, the primary objective for adopting social media is for marketing. Among social media, Facebook and YouTube were the mostly adopted tools across all types of museums. The operating units of social media within the museums are very diverse, but mostly fall under the public service department or education department. Finally, some management issues of social media are also discussed.


social media Web 2.0 museum marketing


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