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A Preliminary Study of the Corporatization of Louvre Museum


近年來在管理意識高漲以及資金效率的種種考量下,博物館經營漸漸成為博物館領域重要的關切議題。在此議題思考下,博物館組織型態與運作模式的討論越來越多。各種企圖解決效益不彰的新思維與新作法也在實務領域中出現,諸如:「民營化」、「法人化」與「公辦民營」等新的變通辦法,其目的無非是為公立博物館尋找更具競爭力的生存之道。綜觀國際博物館,法國羅浮宮博物館是少數表現極為出色、極具競爭力的案例。其參觀人數從1993 年起以飛躍性的成長高速發展,2012 年更達到將近千萬的年參觀量,遠勝大英博物館、美國大都會博物館,成為法國最高人氣的公立博物館。公立博物館的身份似乎並沒有成其羈絆,相反地,令人意外的是,繼美國私人博物館古根漢美術館發展國際案例之後,羅浮宮率公立博物館之先前進阿拉伯世界,成為公立博物館海外擴張的第一例。然而,不同於古根漢美術館的是,羅浮宮並非私人美術館,而是官方文教機構。它的具體化代表著羅浮宮作為公立博物館機構,其法定身份與約束相較過往已經產生了巨大的鬆動,以至於過去公立博物館不能為亦不可為之事竟然得以具體落實。因此,本文之目的即是以羅浮宮為研究對象,試圖以文獻研究法,聚焦羅浮宮探討其營運模式,試圖理解它如何以公立博物館的身份進行有效的發展。希冀透過本研究,得以為臺灣公立博物館經營帶來具建設性的幫助。


羅浮宮 法人化 公立博物館


Management effectiveness has gradually become an important issue in museum studies. Relevant discussions about the organization and operating model of museums have been widely raised. These discussions have tended to provide a resolution to the poor performance of museums. New management models have been proposed, including "privatization," "corporatization," and "Build-Operate-Transfer (B.O.T.)." These new alternatives mainly aim to strengthen the competitiveness of public museums. Among the museums in the world, the Louvre Museum is considered one of the most successful due to its high operating performance. As of 2012, the average annual attendance reached almost ten million, exceeding that of the British Museum in the U.K. and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the U.S. It goes without saying that the Louvre is the most popular public museum in France. As a public museum, the government-owned identity of the Louvre seems not to be an issue in its performance. In addition, it is the first public museum in the world with successful overseas expansion, following the international expansion of the Guggenheim Museum, a U.S. private museum. The Louvre's cooperation with Abu Dhabi of the United Arab Emirates implies a loosening of restrictions that have long been imposed on public museums. The purpose of this study is to explore the operating model and operating performance of the Louvre through documentary research. An attempt has also been made in this study to posit the identity of public museums and to resolve possible restrictions. Implications of this study will be helpful for the management of public museums in Taiwan and for improving their operating performance.


Louvre corporatization public museums


