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National Museums Liverpool and Human Rights: Challenges and Practices


本文為作者於2013 年6 月在臺灣二二八國家紀念館所發表的演講稿與問答整理而成。該演講透過國際奴隸博物館之展示介紹,分析其如何與不同的人權團體合作策展,探討國立利物浦博物館所秉持的社會正義信念,是如何透過博物館的專業與場域得以實踐。社會正義的概念是以所有人都應從博物館中受益、都有資格親近及使用博物館,並在博物館中看見自己的社群被再現為前提。國立利物浦博物館相信博物館有責任透過館內的展示與工作去爭取社會正義,包括在歷史與當代人權議題的論辯中扮演積極的角色,並且毫不猶豫地認為博物館可以也應該為人權奮鬥。該館並於2010 年成立國際人權博物館聯盟(Federation of International HumanRights Museums,簡稱FIHRM),2013 年再成立社會正義博物館聯盟(Social Justice Alliance for Museums,簡稱SJAM),以與國際上具有相同理念的博物館與組織串連,共同支持社會正義與人權。


This paper is based on the contents of the lecture and associated Q&A session given by Amy de Joia at the National 228 Memorial Museum in Taiwan in June 2013. The exhibitions and practices of the International Slavery Museum, part of the National Museums Liverpool, are introduced to explore the fundamental beliefs in social justice. Social justice is a concept based on the premise that all people should be able to derive benefit from museums and are entitled to access and to see themselves represented in museums. At the National Museums Liverpool, it is believed that museums have a responsibility to fight for social justice through their displays and work which includes playing an active role in debates about historic and contemporary human rights issues. In 2010, the Federation of International Human Rights Museums (FIHRM) was launched by the National Museum Liverpool and in 2013 the Social Justice Alliance for Museums (SJAM) was founded to support international cooperation and networking in the area of human rights.
