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Appication of the Public-private Model to the Preservation and Management of an Artist’s Former Residence Park


因應全球變局與經濟不景氣,各國政府紛以行政革新及新公共管理的模式引入民間專業與資源,透過公私協力 (public-private partnerships) 整合民間資源以維持公共服務品質。包括遺產的保存與管理在內,民間參與公共事務的發展模式成為政府維持行政效能的常見手段。然而,在消費社會發展下,歷史空間以協力模式委由私人企業經營,最後往往淪為以文創為名,充斥餐廳、咖啡館、精品店等的百貨公司,藝術創作者空間使用權益與地方文化脈絡因此被犧牲或邊緣化,空間正義及公眾利益亦難以受到監督。不免讓人質疑,政府透過組織再造將行政業務委外,是否會造成國家權力的掏空,公共服務導向市場化,或圖利特定財團,使市民親近藝文的消費門檻提高,以至於文化權利受損。作為本文案例的郭柏川故居園區,獲得今日良好的保存樣態,係因由下而上的在地力量集結與守護,如何將來自民間的力量與資源加以整合,以更貼近地方的需要的方式,透過公、私溝通平臺的建立,從治理的層面落實到管理,尋求商業化外,遺產保存與治理的新類型經濟方案與永續發展的可能性,是此區未來發展的挑戰。本文透過2011 年至今的持續參與觀察,配合文獻與案例的分析借鑒,針對城市空間以及藝術家故居園區經營的公私協力議題,在此以「政府資料的開放與決策透明化以促進公民參與」、「協力法規的研究、制定」以及「永續發展概念的納入」等3 項作為建議與總結。


In response to the changing global situation and economic downturn, governments around the world have implemented administrative reform including public-private partnerships. In terms of the conservation and management of heritage, private sector and citizen involvement has become a means for governments to maintain administrative efficiency. However, as heritage sites have become commercialized to include restaurants, cafes, and boutiques, they have lost their connection to local culture. Artist rights to the use of such spaces have been sacrificed or marginalized. Moreover, it has been difficult to supervise and monitor the fair use of space and protect the public interest. We cannot help but question whether governments, through the outsourcing of administrative services, will bring about a hollowing of state power and public service-oriented market or benefit the private sector using public resources, resulting in decreased access to the arts and damaged cultural rights. The aim of this article was to carry out a case study of Kuo Bo Chuan's former residence park to explore these issues. This site has been preserved by local citizens. The challenges for its future development lie in the integration of resources from the private sector to fulfill local needs. The establishment of a public-private communication platform, management from the level of governance, new types of economic programs and sustainable development are also explored. Continuous participation and observation have been carried out by the author since 2011. In addition, a review of the domestic and international literature and case studies has been conducted. The results have demonstrated that open and transparent decision-making by the government is required to promote citizen participation and effective regulations are needed to strengthen public-private cooperation. Finally, the concepts of sustainable development should be incorporated into heritage preservation.


李乾朗,2000/4/7。名人故居,中國時報,第36 版


