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Landscape-making in the National Taiwan Museum System


國立臺灣博物館是臺灣歷史最悠久的自然史博物館,日治時期建立於新公園內,與當時的臺北火車站遙遙相對,成為無法忽視的城市景觀。2005年當時的文建會責成國立臺灣博物館啟動一系列的古蹟修復與博物館籌備工作,於16年間依序完成勸業銀行臺北支店(2010年開館)、專賣局臺北南門工場(2013年開館)、鐵道部園區(2020年開館),3處分館與國立臺灣博物館本館形成臺灣博物館系統(National Taiwan Museum System)。景觀的意義包含可視的與感知的面向,此計畫透過古蹟建築及策展再現多層次的景觀,在博物館的實體空間與社會空間流動。本文試圖剖析「臺灣博物館系統計畫」執行期間(2005-2020)的景觀製造,首先耙梳3處古蹟的文資保存、博物館化歷程,接著分析臺博系統透過常設展、特展、建築文化資產與當代議題的策展工作,所製造的多元景觀。


As the oldest natural history museum in Taiwan, the National Taiwan Museum is a landscape in the capital city, Taipei, that cannot be ignored. It was established by the Japanese colonial government in the early 20th century, in an area referred to as "New Park," facing the Taipei railway station. In 2005, the National Taiwan Museum was instructed by the then Council for Cultural Affairs (now the Ministry of Culture) to initiate preparatory work for the restoration of three historic monuments and combine them to form the National Taiwan Museum System. These three sites are the Land Bank Exhibition Hall (Natural History Branch) (opened in 2010), Nanmen Branch (opened in 2013), and Railway Department Park (opened in 2020). Landscapes include visible and perceived aspects. Through monuments and exhibitions, multi-level landscapes have been created, interflowing in the physical and conceptual spaces of these sites. The aim of this study is to first investigate the processes of conservation and musealization at these three sites, then analyze how their landscapes have been formed by means of curated permanent and special exhibitions on different themes, including those related to architectural heritage and contemporary issues.


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