  • 期刊


한반도북부지역철도에관한연구-일제강점기부터한국전쟁까지중심으로-|A Study on the Railroad in the Northern Korean Peninsula in the era of the Japanese Occupation




鐵路 北韓 金日成 標準軌 韓半島


이 연구는 한반도 북부의 철도에 관한 연구로서, 시기적으로 일제시기 개발에서부터 해방과 한국전쟁 시기의 파괴까지를 검토하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위하여 로동신문, 조선중앙연감, 김일성과 김회일의 회고록, 소련 군정의 철도 자료 등의 1 차 자료를 수집, 분석하였다. 북한교통은 철도중심, 도로보조의 구조로 이루어져 있는데, 이는 일제시기부터 현재까지 일관된 정책이다. 조선말기 경인선이 개통되었다. 조선 북부의 철도 개발은 일제의 자원 수탈과 만주 침략을 목적으로 본격적인 개발이 이루어졌다. 조선총독부 철도국과 만주 철도는 같은 표준궤 (1,435mm)를 개발하였고, 극히 일부 지역만 협궤로 개발되었다. 러일전쟁, 만주사변, 중일전쟁 시기 한반도에서 철도는 자원 수탈과 침략에 동원되었다. 조선총독부가 개발한 철도 연장은 6,497km 인데 그 중 북한지역에 4,009km 남한지역에 2,448km 로, 현재 북한 철도의 약 70%에 이루는 길이이다. 현재 북한 철도의 기본골격은 일제시기를 원형으로 하고 있다. 광물 개발과 관광을 위한 일부 사철이 개발되었고, 일부 지역은 만철이 개발하였다. 일제가 패망하여 철수하고 소련 태평양방면군이 침공하는 과정에서 일부 철도와 관련 설비를 파괴되었고, 일부는 혼란과정에서 다양하게 약탈되었다. 또한 일제는 주요산업관련 조선인 과학자와 고급기술자를 양성하지 않는 정책을 펼쳤는데, 철도 부문도 유사한 상황이었다. 따라서 북한의 주요 산업시설을 장악한 소련 군정과 이후 이를 인계 받은 김일성 측(이후 북한정권)은 복구에 곤란을 겪었다. 해방 초기 북한 주요 산업과 철도운행이 전면 중단되었다. 김일성 정권의 교통성에서 소련의 지원으로 복구작업을 하였고, 이후 철도성을 독립하도록 하였다. 이 시기 주목할 점은 국공내전에서 북한과 중국공산당은 북한 철도를 이용하여 병력과 군수물자, 산업설비, 주요인사 등을 운송하였다. 공산당이 장악한 주요산업시설이 북한 북부로 이전하였는데, 철도를 이용하였다.|This study, which treats the railroad in the northern Korean Peninsula, aims to review its development during the Japanese Occupation. For this, the study collected and analyzed the primary materials such as the autobiography of Kim Il-sung, the autobiography of Kim Jung-il, and the railroad documents of the Soviet Union's military government in North Korea. The transportation in North Korea is composed of the main role of railroad and the supporting role of roads, which policy has remained steadfast from the Period of Japanese Occupation to this day. The late years of the Joseon period saw the opening of Gyeongin Line. The development of the railroad in North Korea went into high gear when the Japanese Empire aimed to exploit the local natural resources and invade Manchuria. The Department of Railroad of the Japanese colonial government in Korea and South Manchuria Railway Company equally adopted the standard-gauge railway (1,435 mm) and adopted the narrow-gauge railway only for a few areas. During the Russo-Japanese War, the Manchurian Incident, and the Second Sino-Japanese War, the railroad in the Korean Peninsula was used to plunder the natural resources and for invasion. The total length of the railroad developed by the Japanese colonial government in Korea was 6,497 km, which accounted for about 70% of the current railroad in North Korea. The current framework of the North Korean railroad has its archetype in the Period of Japanese Occupation. Some private railroad company engaged in the development for the purpose of development of minerals and tourism, while South Manchurian Railway Company handled the development in some other regions. As the Japanese Empire withdrew in the wake of its defeat and the Soviet Union's Pacific forces invaded the region, some of the railroad and related facilities were destroyed while others faced plundering in various forms during the confusion. The Japanese Empire did not train Koreans as scientists or high-caliber engineers for the major industries, which was also the case with railroad. Therefore, the Soviet military government which came to control the major industrial facilities in North Korea and Kim Il-sung's (subsequently, the North Korean) regime that took them over from the Soviets had difficulty in restoring them. In the early days following the National Liberation, the major industries and railroad entirely went out of operation in North Korea. The Ministry of Transportation of the Kim Il-sung regime undertook its restoration with the support of the Soviet Union and the Ministry of Railroad came into being as a separate ministry. What is notable about this period is the fact that North Korea and the Communist Party of China used the North Korean railroad to carry military forces, supplies, industrial equipment, and key persons during the Chinese Civil War. The major industrial facilities from the Communist-occupied regions were moved to the northern part of North Korea, using the railroad. The materiel, forces, and key persons that arrived to Nampo from Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shandong, and Dalian moved to different parts in Manchuria through the North Korean railroad. Furthermore, the Korean Corridor stretching from Rajin and Sinuiju laid the cornerstone for the Communist victory in the Manchurian battles. The contemporary North Korean railroad was a device that symbolized the North Korea-China friendship.
