  • 會議論文


Service design oriented Community development-As Xiamen Dashe for example


“社區營造”的定義是:居住在同一地理範圍內的居民,持續以集體的行動來處理其共同面對社區的生活議題,解決問題同時也創造共同的生活福祉,逐漸地,居民彼此之間以及居民與社區環境之間建立起緊密的社會聯繫,此一過程即稱為'社區營造'。居民共同參與是建立永續發展社區重中之重,本文旨在分析社區營造過程中的誤區,探討以服務設計為導向的社區營造流程,評價服務設計為導向的社區營造之成效。首先,本文分析了服務設計的範疇和服務設計的設計流程,根據雙菱形的發散與收斂模型(The Double Diamond Model)的定義,服務設計流程可以沿用4D(Discover-Define-Develop-Deliver)流程作為流程框架。其次,分析了社區營造的五個要素,並對於中國社區營造的現狀進行分析,指出以單純的商業目的的社區營造會造成忽視了居民需求,忽視居民參與主觀行為也是造成社區營造不成功的極大因素。最後,以廈門大社社區營造為例,沿用以服務設計為導向的4D流程作為我們社區營造的流程框架,把使用者體驗和用戶參與貫穿到社區營造始終,有利於永續社區的建立。


The definition of "Community development ": There are several ways that people may form a community, which subsequently influence the way a community may be strengthened. The local people participate in community development play a very important role in sustainable communities. Aims at evaluate the result and analysis of community development of service design-oriented, we have to analysis the reason of failure and discuss the service design-oriented process. First of all , 4D (Discover-Define-Develop-Deliver)can be used as the service design process which based on the" Double Diamond Model". Second, it is true that in the course of a community development have pursued profits at the expense of requirement of local people. Local people not getting in are also the chief factor in the failure of community development. Third, take Xiamen Dashe community for example, the community development process based on the 4D which can be also used as the service design process. The Key of sustainable community is user-centered design and user experience.
