  • 期刊


From "Sosan" to "Yang-Ming Mountain": A Development of Geographical Culture


「草山」為今日之「陽明山」,惟其所指範圍,依照時代不同而各異。本文以日治時期草山為討論範圍,從地區開發及產業發展的角度,討論草山作為一個地景時,其文化意涵的演變歷程。清領時期的草山以山多草及富含硫磺而聞名,但漢人對於磺氣的恐懼,讓草山蒙上一層神秘的面紗。1850 年代後期,農業的拓墾來到此地,此地成為漢人的活動範圍。殖民政府為控制草山而開築道路,進而開啟了草山開發史的新頁。除了舊有的農業外,因草山地理環境及氣候與日本本土相類似,殖民政府在此積極營造日本味。同時,學校機關常以舉辦草山健行活動作為體育課的延伸,藉以鍛鍊(日本)國民精神與強健體魄,展現出日本在全面西化時對體格與國民性的嚴格要求,於是草山也是國民精神的訓練場與認識(類)日本國的天然教室。1930 年代,日本受到歐美各國保育觀念的興起影響,指定了結合政治目的的大屯山國立公園,這裡正是宣傳日本改造成功的最好樣本。戰後草山的政治意涵在內容上產生巨大的翻轉,從日本轉向中國。仿廬山管理局設立草山管理局,又為紀念中國先哲王陽明,草山改名陽明山;蔣介石來臺最初幾年蟄居於此,加上中山樓、革命實踐研究院等單位先後創立,陽明山成為有別於總統府的另一政治中心。基於農業式微、產業轉型,及為應國內外對國家公園的需求,陽明山在1985 年成立為國家公園,總算減少了政治介入的痕跡,延續日治時期國立公園的規劃,並發展生態保育觀念。同時陽明山成功結合自然與人文,將傳統農業轉型精緻農業,開發出新的觀光資源。


草山 陽明山 地景


Today, the "Sosan" is "Yang-Ming Mountain", but its erea was not the same. We try to discuss the erea which was in the Japanese ruled period about its development. When the Chin Dynasty, "Sosan" was famous for grass and sulfur. But people were always afraid of sulfur, so we almost couldn't understand the reality of it. 1850's, people had cultivated here. In the Japanese ruled period, government constructed road for contralling people who were lived in this erea. Except for agriculture, the weather and environment were similar to Japanese, the Japanese government always make object to let it be liked Japanese more and more. And schools also hold activities to practice students had Japanese spirit. 1930's, the Japanese government was effect by the WEST; they built the "Dai-Ton Kokuritsu Kouen"(Dai-Tun National Park) here to propagandize the success in Japanese ruled. After War II, the political meaning of "Sosan" was changed from Japanese to Chinese. The "Tsau Shan(Sosan) Administration " was established just like the "Lu Shan Administration " in Mainland China. And the name also had changed to "Yang-Ming Mountain" tomemorize the philosopher "Wang Yang-Ming". When Chiang Kai-Shek came to Taiwan, he has lived here for few years. The organizations "Chung-Shan Building" and "Research Institute of revolution and practice" were here, "Yang-Ming Mountain" became another center from Office of the President. Because agriculture was declining and the voice which asked national park, "Yang-Ming Mountain National Park" was established in 1985. It continued the plan which was set in the Japanese ruled period. It was less political intervening, more environmental consciousness. "Yang-Ming Mountain" combined nature with humanity successfully; it changed traditional agriculture to exquisite agriculture.
