  • 期刊


Political influence in the Study of Du Fu from Early Republic to the Seventies






The studies on Du Fu can be divided into two major categoriesdemonstration and analysis on anecdotes and personality perception. This paper mainly investigates the political influence on the latter from the early period of Republic of China to the present. After the "May Fourth Movement" in 1919, many studies have found that the influence of political ideology and reality on writers and their works was increasing, and the influence of Communism and Communist regimes was particularly significant. Since Chinese Communist Party(CCP)established its regime in 1949, Mao Zedong Thought (Maoism)became the principle of literature studies. However, Mao Zedong Thought has also changed repeatedly due to political reality. In the early period, Mao Zedong thought loosely regulated literary studies, but strictly regulated them afterwards. Scholars also had to follow the CCP’s political policies. Among all scholars, Guo Moruo, could best figure out and interpret the ideas of Mao, and thus had a significant influence on academia. After the "Cultural Revolution," Zhu Dongrun published "Introduction to Du Fu," which is actually an "academic scar," as well as the most unique phenomenon of political influence on studies on Du Fu. After 70-80 years, it may still have a significant and potential influence on studies on Du Fu. (The Distortions in Biographical Studies on Du Fu is attached in the Appendix as reference for readers.)


